
System Parameters Interface

System Parameters dialog coupling to managed systems via parameter links
Each managed system in an ApacheHVAC file has a system frame and an associated System Parameters dialog. The dialog can be accessed both by double-clicking on the title bar of the system frame or by clicking on the ‘System Parameters’ toolbar button and then selecting the ‘System to edit’ at the top of the dialog.
To facilitate use of the System Parameters dialog for editing of component-level values for an HVAC network, HVAC zone components and all other associated zone-level components and controllers within a managed system must be contained in a multiplex.
Edits on the System Parameters dialog take effect in a top-down fashion, using an ‘Assign’ button to control the translation of its parameters to those at component level. Data transfer does not occur in the reverse direction:  manual edits within components and controls on the HVAC airside network do not change values or settings in the System Parameters dialog.
The minimum outdoor air ventilation rate provides an example of this: The system minimum OA flow rate in the outdoor air damper set can be determined by changes in the 62.1 ventilation parameters or other settings and inputs in the System Parameters dialog, but a manual edit of the min flow rate in the damper set cannot be used to adjust or derive 62.1 parameter inputs in the System Parameters dialog.
A ‘Re-apply’ button adjacent to the system parameters link drop-down menu in each component provides the equivalent of clicking Assign in the system parameters dialog just for the one component dialog currently open (if the component or controller is multiplexed and more than one layer is currently selected, the normal Local and Global multiplex edit modes come into play).
If linked values within a linked component or controller have been edited, clicking ‘Re-apply’ will re-instate the values obtained from the System Parameters dialog. The re-instated values will turn green to indicate they have been updated to the values form the System Parameters dialog. The link must be set to ‘None <Select>’ to prevent user-edited values being overwritten when the ‘Assign’ button is subsequently clicked within the  System Parameters dialog.