
Schedules tab – ISM phase 1

For ISM phase 1, this tab provides a mirror of the schedule data in the System Schedules and Setpoints dialog for the set of HVAC profiles assigned to the system network to which this dialog is attached. This tab will provide active schedule inputs and editing of compact profiles for HVAC systems in ISM phase 2.
The four automatically selected options under ‘HVAC operating strategy during extension periods and closed hours’ are a translation of the settings determined by the ‘Setback Strategy’ dropdown selector in the System Schedules and Setpoints dialog. These will be directly editable in ISM phase 2. The translation provided in phase 1 is a means of more gradually introducing the new terminology and dialog controls. 
Schedules & Setpoints… button
The ‘Schedules & Setpoints…’ button opens the existing System Schedules & Setpoints dialog, just the same as the toolbar button, but without closing the System Parameters dialog. This will be removed in ISM phase 2.