
Export / Import to Tabular Edit

Export data from and Import data to Zones Tabular Edit
Side Panel:
Menu bar:
File > Export > To File…
File > Export > To Clipboard
Edit > Copy Data From Current Tab
Data for all tabs or just the current tab can be exported to a .csv file or copied to the Windows ‘clipboard’ via either the ‘Side Panel’ options or menu options shown above (to show/hide the former, see View > Side Panel).
Import data to Zones Tabular Edit
Side Panel:
Menu bar:
Edit > Paste From Clipboard
As of VE2016, data can be pasted only to editable columns within the currently selected tab. The following instructions must be followed precisely.
When copying edited data from a spreadsheet back to the ApacheHVAC Zones Tabular Edit dialog:
a.       You must first place spreadsheet columns of edited values immediately adjacent to the 'Layer' numbering column (no additional or hidden columns are permitted between these).
b.       Apart from column headings, all columns must contain only numerical values.
c.        The 'Layer' column (heading and layer numbering for each row), and column headings for data to be pasted must be included in the selection of data to be copied from the spreadsheet.
d.       When pasting this data into the ApacheHVAC Zones Tabular Edit dialog, all target cells must be editable values and must contain only numerical values.
e.       The software will use the copied column headings and layer numbers to paste the edited data into the correct cells.
For VE2016, the ‘Import from file…’ option is limited to doing exactly the same thing (pasting one or more editable columns of data to the current tab), excepting that the source would be a CSV file for just the Layer number column plus edited data columns (including headings for each).
Compatibility and upgrade for legacy networks with Loads Data spreadsheets
The Loads Data Spreadsheets are no longer supported as of VE2016. Upon upgrade, models are checked for the existence of Loads Data spreadsheets. If one or more spreadsheets is present when the system is loaded:
·        A backup of the ApacheHVAC system file and associated Loads Data spreadsheet are saved in an HVAC files backup folder.
·        Changes recorded within the Loads Data spreadsheets that were previously applied to any system network will be preserved via the upgrade process for the HVAC network itself.
·        In addition to values within HVAC network component and controller dialog, settings and entries recorded in the spreadsheets will be retained only if they were previously input through one of the following three dialogs:
o   System Parameters
o   System Schedules & Setpoints
o   Airflow and 62.1 Ventilation Editor in the PRM Navigator
·        Other changes entered manually within the Loads Data spreadsheets will not be preserved, apart from the backup copy of the spreadsheet and whatever resulting data has previously been applied to an ApacheHVAC system network.
·        For any HVAC network that includes user edits of values in the spreadsheets that could not be edited via the three dialogs noted above or that were edited directly to the component or controller dialogs, the resulting edited values in the components or controllers may be overwritten by subsequent use of the assign button in the new (VE2016 or newer) System Parameters dialog if the same settings or edits are not first made from within that dialog.