
Using the Tabular Building Template Manager

Selecting a Tab Group
As the name suggests, a tab group is simply a set of tabs that you can view with the Tabular BTM. A single tab group is active at any one time – and within this group, the data grid will be displaying the columns from a single tab. The tabs in the current group are displayed along the bottom of the grid.
By default, the Tabular BTM ships with a defined tab group for each of the template types available. These include tabs that are set up to mimic those in the standard Building Template Manager window. The Thermal Conditions group will be selected by default when you first use the Tabular BTM.
To select a tab group, simply select it from the Open Group sub-menu in the Tabular BTM File menu.
Editing Template Attribute Values
It is very simple to edit template attributes using the Tabular BTM, but the exact method depends on the type of cell used to represent the attribute. An overview of the different types of cell in use is given below.
Value Cells
Where an attribute is simply a textual value (e.g. Template Name) or a numerical value (e.g. Solar Reflected Fraction), a basic value cell is used.
To edit the value in one of these cells, simply double-click it – you can apply the edit by clicking on another cell or pressing the ENTER key, or cancel the edit by pressing the ESC key.
NOTE: Some basic value cells are non-editable (e.g. Gain Reference). Double-clicking on these cells does nothing, as the values are not modifiable.
Dropdown List Cells
Some attributes (such as profiles and Apache systems) are designed for you to choose a value from an acceptable set, rather than manually typing in a value. These attributes use a dropdown list cell – as the name suggests, they display a dropdown list containing all the valid options for that particular attribute.
To edit the value in one of these cells, simply click on the cell to display the dropdown list of options – you can select an option by scrolling to it (if necessary) and clicking it, or cancel the dropdown list without changing selecting anything by pressing the ESC key when the list is displayed.
Some dropdown list attributes (e.g. Aux. Vent System and DHW System, Plant Profile) make use of additional custom options in their lists, such as “Use Main System”, “Set As Heating Profile” and “Set As Cooling Profile”. Again, colour cues on the cell text are used to indicate these at a glance.
Dropdown Window Cells
Where none of the standard cell types are suitable for a particular attribute, a dropdown window cell is used. This type of cell resembles a dropdown list cell, but when clicked it displays a custom pop-up window, rather than a list.
Dropdown window cells are currently used for the Heating Setpoint and Cooling Setpoint attributes (where they allow you to switch between a constant temperature value and a timed profile), and for DHW Consumption.
To edit the value in a dropdown window cell, simply click the cell to display the window, then edit as appropriate. You can apply the changes by clicking the OK button (or pressing ENTER) or by clicking the Apply button – this will apply the changes without dismissing the dropdown window. To cancel any changes made in the dropdown window, click the Cancel button (or press ESC).