
Internal Gains and Air Exchanges

When in Thermal Conditions mode the Tabular BTM provides the functionality to add, remove and modify the air exchanges and internal gains attached to templates. This functionality can be accessed through the Edit Air Exchanges and Edit Internal Gains buttons on the toolbar.
Editing Internal Gains
To edit internal gains for templates, mark all the templates that you would like to edit then click Edit Internal Gains from the toolbar. You will see a dialog similar to the one below:
The dialog has three main functions:
This guide will not cover how to edit internal gains attributes as this is already covered in the guide for the standard Building Template Manager which is available when searching for this in the Index.
Creating and Deleting Internal Gains
The dialog shows a list of all internal gains that are available in the current project. If you would like to create an internal gain and add it to the list, use the Add button. This button allows you to choose the type of internal gain to be added. Clicking the down arrow on the right hand side of the button will bring up a list of the different types of internal gain. Clicking one of the types in this list will add an internal gain of the selected type. The button will update to show the type of the last added internal gain, this allows you to use the button as a normal button to add an internal gain of the last added type.
If you would like to copy internal gains then highlight the internal gains and click the Copy button from the toolbar.
If you would like to remove an internal gain from the list, select it and click the Remove button from the toolbar.
Adding and Removing Internal Gains From Templates
The “Assigned to Templates?” column of the grid shows which internal gains are assigned to the templates selected when the dialog was opened. You can change whether an internal gain will be assigned to the templates by clicking the checkbox. The different states of the checkbox are explained below
The internal gain is in use by all templates or will be added to all templates if it is not already
The internal gain is in use by some, but not all, of the templates
The internal gain is not being used by any templates or if it is not already in use it will be removed from all templates.
Other Functionality
The dialog has the same functionality as the main BTM dialog including filtering, editing, exporting and importing. For details of this functionality see the relevant sections in this guide.
If the dialog is opened without any templates selected then the “Assigned To Templates?” column will not be visible but the rest of the dialog will function in the same way.
Editing Air Exchanges
Editing air exchanges works in a very similar way to editing air internal gains. To edit air exchanges for templates, mark all the templates that you would like to edit then click Edit Air Exchanges from the toolbar. You will see a dialog similar to the one below:
The functionality of this dialog is the same as the Internal Gains dialog except that it applies to air exchanges instead of internal gains. For an explanation of how to use the dialog please refer to the Editing Internal Gains section.