
Tabular BTM

What is the Tabular Building Template Manager?
The Tabular Building Template Manager (Tabular BTM) allows you to rapidly inspect any building templates in your models. It provides access to a similar set of data to that available in the standard Building Template Manager, but provides the information in a modeless, tabular form. This means that the information for the building templates is displayed automatically and does not prevent you from working with the model.
In addition to providing a fast and efficient way for you to edit template attributes in your model, the Tabular BTM provides a number of other useful features:
-          Customizable columns, allowing you to choose exactly which variables you want to see
-          Sorting, allowing you to sort all grid data either ascending or descending by any column
-          Filtering, allowing you to only display templates which pass one or more different criteria
-          Export and Import of displayed building templates, allowing you to externally edit the values for your building templates (e.g. using Microsoft Excel) and then re-import the changes to automatically apply them to your model.