
Importing Templates from VE Projects

The Tabular BTM provides the functionality to import templates other from other VE projects or templates databases. If you have created a template in a previous project or have a set of standard templates that you would like to use in your current project this can be very useful. This feature is distinct from the Tabular BTM’s raw data import/export functionality which is used for reading template data which has been saved as plain text.
To import a template from a VE Project, click the Import Templates From VE Project button  from the toolbar. The first time you click the Import Templates From VE Project button in a session a dialog will appear that will allow you to choose which template database file to import from.
Choosing a Template Database to Import From
The default location for the Browse Template Databases dialog will be the VE standard template data folder which contains several pre-made template databases to import from. If you would like to import templates from one of your own projects then navigate to the base folder of the project and select the .mtd file.
Importing a Template
After selecting a template database to import from a dialog will appear listing all the templates in that template database. There is a different version of this dialog for each template type. An example of this dialog is shown below:
To import a template select the desired template from the list and click the Copy To Project button. If you would like to import a modified version of one the templates then use to dialog to make the required changes before clicking the Copy To Project button.
If you would like to change which template database you are importing from then click the Browse Template Databases button which will open the Browse Template Databases dialog.