
Reviewing the Action Plan

The draft Action Plan for an alternative scenario has some key differences from that of the Prescribed Measures:
For a scenario, the Accept prescriptive improvements row is marked with an N – this indicates that one or more alternative measures are being used. These measures and their resulting savings for CO2 and energy are shown in the Alternative Improvement Measures section – the savings values are shown in green (if they are equivalent to or greater than the savings with the prescriptive improvement measures only) or in red (if they are less than the savings with the prescriptive improvement measures only). Note that the rounding of the values in the action plan may be different compared to that used on the Results tab.
Each of the selected prescriptive improvement measures (i.e. those that were ticked in the Selected column of the Prescriptive Measures tab in Building & System Data) will be listed here, prefixed by “Prescribed:”. The alternative measure(s) are then listed – this is the text that was entered for Action Plan Item in the Alternative Measures tab. Finally, the CO2 and energy savings for the alternative measures (including the selected prescriptive measures) are displayed – these correspond to the values on the Results tab in the VE (though they may be rounded differently) and will be green if the savings are equivalent to or greater than the prescriptive measures alone, and red otherwise.
Based on the results here, it may be necessary to modify the alternative measure and model (if the savings were insufficient) or to add another alternative measure to attempt further savings. The Alternative Measures tab in Building & System Data will allow the addition of a new measure, or deletion/edit of the existing one.