
Notes on Savings Values

1.       It is possible for an individual energy saving to be reduced, but for the total energy saving to still be an overall increase – in this case, the individual value would appear in red, but the total saving value would be green.
2.       A savings value can also appear as negative – in other words, the use of the selected prescriptive and/or alternative measures has increased the energy usage (thus causing a decreased saving). However, if this is equivalent to (or improves upon) the saving value from the prescriptive measures only in the original source project, it will still appear in green.
3.       If the mouse cursor is hovered over a savings value, a tooltip will be displayed to indicate the increased or decreased saving relative to using the prescriptive measures in the original source project:
4.       Where a dash (-) is shown for an individual energy saving breakdown value, this means that the original source project did not include energy usage for this type.