
Generating the Action Plan

Once the model has been appropriately modified for the defined alternative measure, the draft Action Plan can be generated. This will perform a Section 63 assessment simulation in the same way as that for the Prescribed Measures in the original model. To do so, click the Generate action plan button on the Section 6 (2015) – Scotland – Analysis tab below the viewport:
When clicked, this button will start an Apache DSM simulation of the model with the selected prescribed improvement measures (if any) applied.
Once the simulation is completed (this may take some time, depending on the size and complexity of your building model) and the results file downloaded, the Action Plan will be generated and the Results tab will be automatically activated:
The Results tab will display the target annual savings values for both CO2 and Energy – the savings for the Prescribed Measures (as seen in the original source project) will be displayed first, followed by the savings for the current scenario. If the savings for the scenario are equivalent to or greater than that for the Prescribed Measures, they will be displayed on a green background – otherwise, they will display on a red background. Note that you can hover over the values with the mouse cursor to see the comparative values of the prescribed measures and the alternative measures:
To view the draft Action Plan, click the View Action Plan button – this will open the action plan in your default PDF viewer application.
You can also view the Action Plan using the Content Manager – select Content Manager… from the Tools menu in the VE.