
Adding A New Measure

If the total savings values were increased (shown in green) and following consultation with the building owner (or their delegated third party), the advisor may want to add a further alternative improvement measure to achieve further savings. This can be done by clicking the Add New Measure link at the top-right again – once clicked, a new measure pane will appear above the existing measure(s):
As before, you must enter suitable text into the Action Plan Item and Description fields. Note that the text can only be edited for the top (i.e. most recently added) measure – the text in earlier measure(s) is greyed out.
With a new measure added, you would close Building & System Data with the OK button, make the appropriate modification(s) to the model, then follow the same process as detailed previously (see Generating the Action Plan ). This iterative approach of assessment should be followed until a suitable set of savings measures is achieved and agreed with the building owner (or representative).