
Tabular BTM Window

The appearance of the Tabular BTM window is similar to that shown above. The window floats above the main application window, allowing you to interact with the main view window (e.g. selecting and manipulating templates) while the window is active. The window is also resizable and supports being maximized, allowing you to move and position it as you desire to avoid intrusion on your work area. It can also be positioned on a secondary display, if your computer has multiple monitors.
The Tabular BTM window consists of 4 main elements, as detailed below:
Data Grid
The data grid displays the attributes for each template, using the columns specified in the currently active tab. The set of tabs available in the current group is displayed underneath this grid.
The grid columns along the top indicate the template attributes being displayed. Each template is displayed on an individual row in the grid. The column currently being used to sort the grid rows is highlighted in a light blue colour, with a small arrow at the top to indicate the sort direction (either ascending or descending). Clicking on a column header will sort the grid rows on that column, and clicking on an existing sort column will toggle between the two sorting directions.
There is a column on the left-hand side of the grid containing checkboxes – these are known as marking checkboxes and are used to allow changes to a row to be applied to all the rows that have been marked for editing (i.e. their checkbox has been ticked). Whenever you edit a cell on any row (be it marked or not), the corresponding value will be applied to all rows that have been marked. Marked rows are highlighted to provide an additional visual cue to their marked state.
The tabs available in the current tab group are displayed along the bottom of the grid. Whenever you click on a tab, the grid columns will be updated to reflect those in the selected tab and the grid content will be refreshed appropriately.