
Step5: Select gas rate schedule

The OpenEI does not have a database for gas rates. Therefore, IES uses the Pacific Gas and Electric and Southern California Gas gas structure as a reference rate structure. This section will look at how to customize these gas rates to represent other gas structure. Figure 6 shows the default gas rate schedule available in the tariff tool.
Figure 6: Default Gas Rate Schedule in the Utility Tariff
a)     Changing the rates (not the range)
If the user's model is within the jurisdiction of these utilities or their utility has the same range as one of the reference rate structure, then the user can simply edit the rate ($/therms) by clicking the "Edit Rate" button next to the "Select gas rate schedule" (see Figure 6). Different sections covered is this tab are as follows:
i)     Daily Rate ($/day)
this is the fixed charge that the customer has to pay the utility.
ii)     Average Daily Usage (ADU) $/therm (applicable to PGE only)
Customer's highest Average Daily Usage (ADU) is determined from among the billing periods occurring within the last twelve (12) months.
iii)     Procurement Charges ($/therm)
The charge is associated with the procurement of the gas. It can be found in the unbundled charges or detailed charges section of the utility tariff.
iv)     Transportation charges ($/therm)
The charge is associated with the transportation of the gas. It can be found in the unbundled charges or detailed charges section of the utility tariff.
v)     G-PPPS charges ($/therm) (applicable to PGE only)
Public Purpose Program surcharge.
Figure 7: Editing Gas Rate Schedule
b)     Changing the range and rates
If the user's building is in a different utility or jurisdiction, then the utility's rate structure will have to be added in  gas_rates.json file. A .json file is used by the python script to calculate the utility rates. The steps to this are explained in detail in "Editing the existing Jason file" FAQ to access the document. The user can edit the following sections:
Section covered
Possible edits
Average Daily Usage (if applicable)
Can edit the ADU
Description of the rate structure
Procurement and Transportation charges
Procurement and Transportation range
Procurement and Transportation charges
GPPPS (if applicable)
Can edit the rates
Can edit the winter and summer period, winter = 0 summer = 1
Flat charge
User can edit these flat charges
Utility name/category/source
User can edit these sections
Figure 8 below shows an example of a customized rate schedule. Note that the maximum procurement rate, Transportation rate, and GPPPS (greyed out data) are changed to 6000 therms (default rates for PGE is 4000 therms).
Figure 8: Customizing Gas Rate Schedule