
Tariff Analysis

Tariff Analysis tool is used to convert the results in energy units from ApacheSim into monetary units. The tool allows the user to create real tariffs, which can be saved and shared with other projects, to perform a cost analysis study and easily visualize the improvements from selecting different tariffs.
IESVE gives a user an option to either perform tariff analysis, either using a “Generic Tariff Tool” or “OpenEI database (North American Tariff Tool).” Users can select the tool they want to use by clicking on the icon in vistapro. The figure below shows the screenshot of this icon.
Figure 1: Tariff Tool in VistaPro
PRM is based on a comparison of total cost of the proposed and baseline buildings: PRM documentation: ASHRAE 90.1 Appendix G2.4 Energy Rates: Annual energy cost shall be determined using either actual rates for purchased energy or state average energy prices. Tariff Analysis tool would allow the user to create advance tariffs that replicate the actual rates or to create simple tariffs to input the state average energy price.