
OpenEI Database Tariff Tool (North America)

The "OpenEI database (North American Tariff Tool)" uses an online Utility Rate Database (URDB) available in Open Energy Information (OpenEI) database to obtain an electrical rate structure. OpenEI doesn't have a utility gas rate structure, so it uses Pacific Gas and Electric and Sothern California Gas, gas rate structure as the example default gas rates. These rates can be customized to reflect the gas rate structure in other jurisdictions (described in detail in the "Select gas rate schedule" section of this document).
The URDB provides electrical rate structures for over 3,700 utilities in the US. Figure 1 shows the utility rates coverage on OpenEI. The rates are checked and updated annually by NREL.
Figure 1: Utility Rate Coverage of OpenEI (source OpenEI)
1)     The rates structures can be customized for utilities in different countries if they use a similar Time of Use (ToU) period as one of the 3,700 utilities listed in URDB. 
2)     OpenEI requires a net connection to import electrical rate structure from the OpenEI database.
As mentioned earlier, OpenEI does not have a database for a utility gas rate structure.