
Alternative Measures

An alternative scenario must define at least one alternative improvement measure – this is not the improvement itself (which is made by the advisor manually modifying the model in the way they see fit), but provides the text that describes the modification(s) for inclusion on the Action Plan. These alternative measures are defined and managed using the Alternative Measures tab.
By default, there will be no alternative improvement measures defined when a scenario is created:
Attempting to close the Building & System Data window using the OK button will display a warning message, as you will not be able to produce the Action Plan without defining an alternative improvement measure:
To create the alternative measure, click the Add New Measure link at the top-right of the tab. This will create a new editing pane representing the alternative measure:
The key feature of this is the Action Plan Item field – the text entered here will appear on the Action Plan to represent the alternative measure. This text must clearly identify the nature of the improvement and, where possible, the extent of its application and effect. A detailed description of the changes must also be entered into the Description field to allow tracking of the alternative measure(s) in the model. For example:
Note: the newly-created measure pane will appear in a cream background and with Not Simulated displayed at the bottom-right – this indicates that the measure has not yet been simulated to generate an Action Plan. It will not be possible to add a further alternative measure until the Action Plan has been generated for this measure by carrying out a Section 63 assessment simulation (the Add New Measure link will be disabled).
Once the measure is defined and suitable text entered, Building & System Data should be closed with the OK button and the model should then be modified appropriately for the measure that was just added.