
5.1.3 Methodology Notes

There are some general points to note when using the Solar Analysis feature. These are listed below:
·       Results are only produced for the external surfaces of Spaces and (as of VE 2017) Free-standing PV Panels.
Internal surfaces and other geometry types such as Adjacent Buildings, Topographical Shades, Local Shades and so on do not produce results but will still affect the shading results produced.
·       External surfaces of spaces include: walls, roofs, windows and doors but not floors.
Please note results for doors are only calculated as part of Energy analysis.
·       As with normal SunCast calculations, a single design day is used for each month.
This result is then used for every day of the month.
The design day for Solar Analysis is set to the 15th of each month.
Please note Apache still produces results for each and every day as normal.
·       For each hour the sun is considered either up or down for that hour.
The exact sun up/down time isn’t taken into account.
·       The SunCast surface results returned are for Percentage Area.
Percentage Area = Area In Sun ÷ Total Surface Area. See Section 10.1: Apache Solar Shading for Apache for more details.
·       The Apache surface results returned are for Ext surface incident solar flux.
·       The results displayed are an accumulation of the hourly results for the display period specified.
As the results output from SunCast/Apache are on the hour, the accumulation of results is inclusive of the start and end time, i.e. the number of results = (end − start) + 1. For example: A single day analysis between 0800 and 1800 is the accumulation of 11 results.