
4. Creating and editing Daily Profiles

The dialogue below appears when a new daily profile is created, or a daily profile is selected for editing by means of a double click or the Edit button. It displays the properties of a daily profile and allows it to be edited.
The fields displayed on the dialogue are:
·         Profile:  A description of the profile in words.
·        ID: A unique identifier assigned to the profile when it is created. The ID may be edited on creation of the profile, but not thereafter.
·        Modulating/Absolute: The type of profile, chosen when the profile is created. A Modulating profile specifies a time-varying value, and is used to modulate an input parameter or as a control switch. Where the profile is used as a control switch, values greater than 0.5 are interpreted as ‘on’ and other values as ‘off’. An absolute profile specifies a time-varying physical variable such as temperature.
·         Categories: Allows a profile to be assigned to one or more categories (optional).
·        Time: The time at which the associated value applies. Times are subject to daylight-saving adjustments as set in APLocate. The first and last rows of the table must have times 0:00 and 24:00, respectively. If the profile undergoes a step change at a particular time the transition must be defined using two rows of the table having the same time but different values or formulae.
·        Value: The value of the profile at the stated time. This may be a numerical value or a formula (see Formula Profiles).
·        Graph of Profile times and values: A daily profile is defined as a series of values applying at different times of day.
The icons perform the following functions:
o    Insert a new value: Inserts a row in the table above the selected row.
o    Delete the selected value: Deletes the selected row of the table.
o    Insert a Formula: Insert a formula using the formula profile creation tool (see – Formula Profiles)
o    Verify profile data: Verifies the correctness of the data, checking for impossible sequences of times and values.
o    Edit profile graphically: Accesses a facility for editing the profile graphically (see – Graphically editing a Daily Profile).
o    Copy profile data: Copy current data (name, ID, type and all lines of the profile) to the clipboard, to paste somewhere else for further processing
o    Paste hourly data to grid: Past previously copied hourly data into the profile table
·        Metric/IP/ No Units: The units system applying to the profile. In the case of absolute profiles and formula modulating profiles, the Units Type must be set to Metric or IP (inch-pound) to indicate the units system to be used to interpret the numerical values of the profile and any variables appearing in the formulae. The Units Type is initialised to the current unit system set for the project, but this setting may be edited. For non-formula modulating profiles the Units Type is immaterial and is set by default to No units.
·         The buttons perform the following functions:
o    Help: Accesses ApPro online help.
o    OK: Saves the edits made to the profile and exits the dialogue.
o    Cancel: Discards the edits made to the profile and exits the dialogue.
To the right of the dialogue, there is a graph that displays the profile information entered in the table. If Grid is checked, grid lines will be added to the graph. The graph colour can be changed using the adjacent colour selection box.