
3.7. Toolbars

The toolbar icon options are described below. Some of these functions are also accessible from elsewhere in the interface.
 Save: Saves the profile data for this project.
 Print: Displays options for printing profile data.
 Find a daily profile: Accesses a facility for finding daily profiles in either the system database or the project database. See Finding a Daily Profile for details.
 System daily profiles: Accesses the system database of daily profiles. See System Daily Profiles for details.
 System weekly profiles: Accesses the system database of weekly profiles. See System Weekly Profiles for details.
 System annual profiles: Accesses the system database of annual profiles. See System Annual Profiles for details.
 NCM Profile substitution table: Displays the profile substitution table. See NCM Considerations for details. See Profile Substitution Table for details.
 Contents: Accesses ApPro online help.