The dialogue headed Graphically Edit Daily Profile, accessed via the button on the Daily Profile editing dialogue (see previous section), enables the editing of the profile by manipulating points on a graph, as shown below:
·Insert Points: Allows the insertion of points by clicking on the graph.
·Move Points: Allows the moving of points by clicking and dragging.
·Delete Points: Allows the deletion of points by clicking on the graph.
·Enter Numbers: Ticking this checkbox will open a dialogue to enter numerical times and values for inserted or moved points.
·Grid: this checkbox toggles the grid lines on and off.
·Reset: resets the profile times and values to their initial settings on entry to the facility.
·Max: opens a list to select the maximum absolute value on the y-axis. This must not be used for modulating profiles.
·Min: opens a list to select the minimum absolute value on the y-axis .This must not be used for modulating profiles.
·Save: closes the graphical editing facility and saves any edits.
·Cancel: closes the graphical editing facility and discards any edits.