
4.1. Graphically editing a Daily Profile

The dialogue headed Graphically Edit Daily Profile, accessed via the  button on the Daily Profile editing dialogue (see previous section), enables the editing of the profile by manipulating points on a graph, as shown below:
·        Insert Points: Allows the insertion of points by clicking on the graph.
·        Move Points: Allows the moving of points by clicking and dragging.
·        Delete Points: Allows the deletion of points by clicking on the graph.
·        Enter Numbers: Ticking this checkbox will open a dialogue to enter numerical times and values for inserted or moved points.
·        Grid: this checkbox toggles the grid lines on and off.
·        Reset: resets the profile times and values to their initial settings on entry to the facility.
·        Max: opens a list to select the maximum absolute value on the y-axis. This must not be used for modulating profiles.
·        Min: opens a list to select the minimum absolute value on the y-axis .This must not be used for modulating profiles.
·        Save: closes the graphical editing facility and saves any edits.
·        Cancel: closes the graphical editing facility and discards any edits.
·        Help: Accesses ApPro online help.