
VE Compliance Model Variables

These Model Level variables are created following a VE Compliance Simulation for all of the available VE Compliance regulation frameworks.
VE Compliance Energy
NCM heating energy: The energy consumed by all heat sources (boilers, heat pumps, CHP, etc…) for the purpose of space heating. This is influenced by the system load, delivery losses, heat generator efficiency and, where applicable, ADL2A table 2 correction factors.
NCM cooling energy: The energy consumed by all chillers for the purpose of space cooling. This is inclusive of the system load, delivery losses, chiller efficiency, heat rejection pump and fan power and, where applicable, ADL2A table 2 correction factors. Further, in the case of absorption chillers, this includes the energy consumed by the heat source (CHP/Boilers).
NCM auxiliary energy: Auxiliary energy accounts for the energy used by controls, pumps and fans associated with the HVAC systems. This is influenced by the NCM system type, steady state heating/cooling load, system parameters such as fan power and pump type and, where applicable, ADL2A table 2 correction factors. A full description of the auxiliary energy calculation method is given in the NCM Modeling Guide for the respective compliance framework.
NCM Lighting energy: The energy consumed by all electric lighting in the building. This is influenced by the NCM activities assigned, the lighting power density, light controls such as photoelectric dimming or occupancy sensing, dimming profiles and, where applicable ADL2A table 2 correction factors.
NCM DHW energy: The energy consumed by all heat sources (boilers, heat pumps, CHP, etc…) for the purpose of supplying domestic hot water. This is influenced by the efficiency of the heat generator(s), delivery losses, storage and secondary circulation losses, solar thermal DHW heat input, and, where applicable, ADL2A table 2 correction factors.
NCM total energy (ex renewables): The total energy consumption for the building across all of the Part L end uses: NCM Heating, NCM Cooling, NCM auxiliary energy, NCM Lighting energy, and NCM DHW energy. No allowance is made for electricity offset through the use of renewables i.e. CHP, Wind Power, or Photovoltaics.
NCM heat pump heating energy: The energy consumed by heat pumps for the purpose of space heating and DHW. This is influenced by the system load, delivery losses, heat generator efficiency and, where applicable, ADL2A table 2 correction factors.
VE Compliance Carbon
NCM heating CE: The total carbon emissions arising from space heating. This is the product of the energy consumed by each heat generator for space heating times the Carbon Emission Factor for its respective fuel.
NCM cooling CE: The total carbon emissions arising from space cooling. This is the product of the energy consumed by each chiller for space cooling  times the Carbon Emission Factor for its respective fuel.
NCM auxiliary CE: The total carbon emissions arising from auxiliary energy . This is the product of the NCM auxiliary energy consumption times the Carbon Emission Factor for electricity.
NCM lighting CE: The total carbon emissions arising from NCM lighting energy. This is the product of the NCM lighting energy consumption times the Carbon Emission Factor for its fuel (normally electricity).
NCM DHW CE: The total carbon emissions arising from domestic hot water provision. This is the product of the energy consumed by each heat generator for domestic hot water times the Carbon Emission Factor for its respective fuel.
NCM total CE (ex renewables): The total carbon emissions for the building across all of the Part L end uses: NCM Heating CE, NCM Cooling CE, NCM auxiliary CE, NCM Lighting CE, and NCM DHW CE. No allowance is made for carbon offset through the use of renewables i.e. CHP, Wind Power, or Photovoltaics.
NCM heat pump heating CE: The total carbon emissions arising from space heating and domestic hot water provided by heat pumps. This is the product of the energy consumed by each heat pump for space heating and DHW times the Carbon Emission Factor for its respective fuel.