
Model Level Variables

These variables are accessed by clicking on ‘Model’ in the browser. They are organized in three groups: Loads, Energy and Carbon.
Room heating plant sens. load: The sum of the room heating plant sensible loads for all rooms in the building.
ApHVAC room units heating load: When an ApacheHVAC system is in use, the sum of the heating loads on all radiators and direct acting heaters.
Room hum. plant load: The sum of the room humidification plant sensible loads for all rooms in the building.
System air heating load: The total of the system air heating loads for all Apache Systems.
Aux vent heating load: The total auxiliary ventilation heating load for the building (handled by Apache Systems).
ApHVAC heating coils load: When an ApacheHVAC system is in use, the sum of the heating loads on all heating coils.
ApHVAC steam humidifiers load: When an ApacheHVAC system is in use, the sum of the loads on all steam humidifiers.
Boilers load: The sum of the loads (outputs) for all boilers (in both Apache Systems and ApacheHVAC systems).
ApHVAC heat pumps load: When an ApacheHVAC system is in use, the sum of the loads on all heat pumps.
Room cooling plant sens. load: The sum of the room cooling plant sensible loads for all rooms in the building.
ApHVAC room units cooling load: When an ApacheHVAC system is in use, the sum of the cooling loads on all direct acting coolers and chilled beams.
Room dehum. plant load: The sum of the dehumidification plant sensible loads for all rooms in the building.
System air sens. clg load: The total of the system air sensible cooling loads for all Apache Systems.
System air lat. clg. load: The total of the system air latent cooling loads for the building (handled by Apache Systems).
Aux vent sens. clg. load: The total auxiliary ventilation sensible cooling load for the building (handled by Apache Systems).
Aux vent lat. clg. load: The total auxiliary ventilation latent cooling loads for the building (handled by Apache Systems).
ApHVAC cooling coils load: When an ApacheHVAC system is in use, the sum of the cooling loads on all cooling coils (including any latent component).
Chillers load: The sum of the loads (outputs) for all chillers (in both Apache Systems and ApacheHVAC systems).
ApHVAC recovered sensible heat: When an ApacheHVAC system is in use, the net sensible heat (or if negative, net sensible cooling) recovered by heat recovery components.
ApHVAC recovered latent heat: When an ApacheHVAC system is in use, the net latent heat (or if negative, net latent cooling) recovered by heat recovery components.
DHW heating demand: The total DHW heating demand at the hot water outlets (i.e. excluding pipe and tank losses) calculated on the basis of a 50K temperature rise from the cold water main.
CH[C]P generated heat: The heat contributed by the CHP plant, if present. This heat is assumed to be input at the same point as heat from boilers – i.e. upstream of distribution losses.
Boilers energy: The total energy consumption for boilers (in both Apache Systems and ApacheHVAC systems).
Chillers energy: The total energy consumption for chillers (in both Apache Systems and ApacheHVAC systems).
ApHVAC direct acting heaters energy: When an APhvac system is in use, the energy consumption for direct acting heaters.
ApHVAC direct acting coolers energy: When an APhvac system is in use, the energy consumption for by direct acting coolers (direct acting heaters working in cooling mode).
ApHVAC heat pumps energy: When an APhvac system is in use, the energy consumption for heat pumps.
ApHVAC fans energy: The total energy consumption for fans (in both Apache Systems and ApacheHVAC systems).
ApHVAC pumps energy: The total energy consumption for central plant pumps (in both Apache Systems and ApacheHVAC systems).
ApHVAC HR & spray pumps energy: When an APhvac system is in use, the total energy consumption for heat recovery components and spray pumps.
Ap Sys fans/pumps/ctrls energy: Energy consumed by fans, pumps and controls within Apache Systems. Includes auxiliary energy, chiller heat rejection pump energy, and pump energy associated with DHW and solar water heating systems.
PV generated electricity: Electricity generated by a photovoltaic system, if present. Negative by convention.
Wind generated electricity: Electricity generated by a wind turbine, if present. Negative by convention.
CHP energy consumption: The energy consumed by the CHP plant, if present. This includes energy associated with space heating, domestic hot water and absorption cooling.
CHP generated electricity: Electricity generated by a CHP system, if present. Negative by convention.
System electricity: The system electrical energy consumption.
System <fuel>: The system energy consumption associated with the named fuel. In the case of grid displaced electricity includes a negative contribution from any electricity generated by PV, wind turbine and CHP systems.
Total system energy: The total system energy consumption, calculated as the sum of the energy consumptions for system components, or alternatively as the sum of system fuel consumptions. Includes a negative contribution from any electricity generated by PV, wind turbine and CHP systems.
Equipment electricity: Electrical energy consumption associated with equipment gains (internal gains excluding lighting). This variable is not reduced by electricity generation by PV, wind turbines and CHP systems
Equipment <fuel>: Energy consumption associated with equipment gains (internal gains excluding lighting) using the named fuel. This variable is not reduced by electricity generation by PV, wind turbines and CHP systems
Total equipment energy: Total energy consumption associated with equipment gains (internal gains excluding lighting). This variable is not reduced by electricity generation by PV, wind turbines and CHP systems
Lights electricity: Electrical energy consumption associated with lighting. This variable is not reduced by electricity generation by PV, wind turbines and CHP systems.
Lights <fuel>: Energy consumption associated with lighting. This variable is not reduced by electricity generation by PV, wind turbines and CHP systems.
Total lights energy: Total energy consumption associated with lighting. This variable is not reduced by electricity generation by PV, wind turbines and CHP systems.
Total electricity: Total electrical energy consumption for systems, lights and small power. This variable is not reduced by electricity generation by PV, wind turbines and CHP systems.
Total <fuel>: Total energy consumption for systems, lights and small power using the named fuel. In the case of the ‘fuel’ grid displaced electricity – electricity generated by PV, wind turbine and CHP systems – the variable is negative by convention.
Total energy: Total energy consumption for systems, lights and small power. Includes a negative contribution from any electricity generated by PV, wind turbine and CHP systems.
System elec. CE: Carbon emissions produced by system electrical consumption.
System <fuel> CE: Carbon emissions produced by consumption of the named fuel by systems. In the case of grid displaced electricity includes a negative contribution from any electricity generated by PV, wind turbine and CHP systems.
Total system CE: Total carbon emissions produced by systems. Includes a negative contribution from any electricity generated by PV, wind turbine and CHP
Equipment elec. CE: Carbon emissions produced by electrical energy consumption associated with equipment gains (internal gains excluding lighting).
Equipment <fuel> CE: Carbon emissions associated with equipment gains (internal gains excluding lighting) powered by the named fuel.
Total equipment CE: Total carbon emissions associated with equipment gains (internal gains excluding lighting).
Total electricity CE: Total carbon emissions associated with electrical energy consumption for systems, lights and small power. This variable is not reduced by electricity generation by PV, wind turbines and CHP systems.
Total <fuel> CE: Total carbon emissions associated with consumption of the named fuel. In the case of grid displaced electricity – electricity generated by PV, wind turbine and CHP systems – the variable is negative by convention.
Total CE : Total carbon emissions for the building and its systems. Includes a negative contribution from any electricity generated by PV, wind turbine and CHP systems.
Total CE ex equip : Total carbon emissions for the building and its systems, excluding emissions associated with equipment (which do not feature in the emission calculations for the UK Building Regulations). Includes a negative contribution from any electricity generated by PV, wind turbine and CHP systems.