
Apache System Variables

These variables are accessed by selecting the Systems browser and clicking on one of the Apache Systems in the list (but not an ApacheHVAC system if one is present). They are organized in three groups: System, Energy and Carbon.
Note that if results from a linked ApacheHVAC system were requested, rooms served by such an ApacheHVAC system do not contribute to the variables listed here.
Room heating plant sens. load: The sum of the room heating plant sensible loads for all rooms served by the system.
Room hum. plant load: The sum of the room humidification plant sensible loads for all rooms served by the system.
System air heating load: The (non-negative) sensible heat required to raise the temperature of outside air to the specified supply temperature. Only applies when the supply temperature is specified as 'Temperature From Profile'.
Aux vent heating load: For Auxiliary Ventilation air supplies, the (non-negative) sensible heat required to raise the temperature of outside air to the temperature specified. Only applies to those Auxiliary Ventilation air exchanges for which the supply temperature is specified as 'Temperature From Profile'.
DHW heating demand: The DHW heating demand at the hot water outlets (i.e. excluding pipe and tank losses) calculated on the basis of a 50K temperature rise from the cold water main.
DHW boiler load: The DHW heating load at the boiler, after allowing for pipe and tank losses and any contribution from a solar water heating system.
DHW solar heating system input: The heat input from the solar heating system, if present. This is the amount by which the DHW boiler load is reduced by preheating of the cold water supply by the solar water heating system.
DHW solar htg system tank temp: The mean temperature of water in the solar heating system tank, if present.
DHW solar heat input: The heat input from the solar panel (if present) to the solar heating system storage tank.
Boiler load: The load on the Apache System boiler, calculated as the sum of the room heating plant and air heating loads (both system and aux mech vent) met by the system, with an adjustment applied for distribution losses.
CHP heat contribution: The heat contributed to the Apache System by the CHP system, if present. This heat is assumed to be input at the same point as heat from the boiler – i.e. upstream of distribution losses.
Room cooling plant sens. load: The sum of the room cooling plant sensible loads for all rooms served by the system.
Room dehum. plant load: The sum of the room dehumidification plant sensible loads for all rooms served by the system.
System air sens. clg. load: The (non-negative) sensible cooling required to cool the outside air to the specified supply temperature. Only applies when the supply temperature is specified as 'Temperature From Profile'.
System air lat. clg. load: The (non-negative) latent load incurred in lowering the temperature of outside air to the specified supply temperature, calculated on the basis of a maximum off-coil percentage saturation of 90%. Only applies when the supply temperature is specified as 'Temperature From Profile'.
Aux vent sens. clg. load: For Auxiliary Ventilation air supplies, the (non-negative) sensible cooling required to lower the temperature of outside air to the temperature specified. Only applies to those Auxiliary Ventilation air exchanges for which the supply temperature is specified as 'Temperature From Profile'.
Aux vent lat. clg. load: For Auxiliary Ventilation air supplies, the (non-negative) latent load incurred in lowering the temperature of outside air to the temperature specified, calculated on the basis of a maximum off-coil percentage saturation of 90%. Only applies to those Auxiliary Ventilation air exchanges for which the supply temperature is specified as 'Temperature From Profile'.
Chiller load: The load on the Apache System chiller, calculated as the sum of the room cooling plant and air cooling loads (both system and aux mech vent, sensible plus latent) met by the system, with an adjustment applied for distribution losses.
System air flow rate: The total volume flow rate of air supplied by the system (excluding auxiliary mechanical ventilation). In the case of a system of type Generic, this is the total outdoor air supply.
System air supply temperature: The temperature of air supplied by the system to the rooms.
System air supply moisture content: The moisture content of air supplied by the system to the rooms.
Aux vent flow rate: The total volume flow rate of auxiliary ventilation supplied by the system.
Boiler energy: The energy consumption of the boiler.
Boiler pump energy: The energy consumption of the boiler pumps.
Chiller energy: The energy consumption of the chiller.
Chiller heat rej. pump energy: The energy consumption of chiller heat rejection pumps and fans.
System auxiliary energy: The auxiliary energy consumption of the system.
DHW & solar heating pump energy: The energy consumed by DHW and solar heating system pumps.
Boiler CE: Carbon emissions produced by the energy consumption of the boiler.
Chiller CE: Carbon emissions produced by the energy consumption of the chiller.
Chiller heat rej. CE: Carbon emissions produced by the energy consumption of chiller heat rejection pumps and fans.
System auxiliary energy CE: Carbon emissions produced by the auxiliary energy consumption of the system.
DHW & solar heating pump CE: Carbon emissions produced by the energy consumed by DHW and solar heating system pumps.