
Using Profile Filtering

Filtering Options
Where profile filtering is available, a small profile filter button will be displayed – this button displays a small filter icon in one of the following states:
One or more filtering conditions are active
- Only profiles that meet the specified conditions will be displayed.
No filtering conditions are active
- The full list of profiles will be displayed.
If you hover the mouse cursor over the filter icon, an information balloon will be displayed summarising the current filter options. In combination with the icon state (green for filtering, white for no filtering), this allows you to quickly tell at a glance the state of the filter and what profiles will be displayed by its associated control.
When the filter icon is clicked (or the Edit Filter… link is clicked in the information balloon), the Filtering Options window is displayed:
This window allows the various filtering options to be configured. There are four possible filtering types – by Pattern, by Data Source, by Category and by Name. Where two or more of these options are used, you can control how the different conditions interact by using the AND/OR logic operators. This allows you to combine filter conditions for more complex matching – for example, only show Generic data source profiles that EITHER include the category Cooling OR whose reference begins with SYS_:
Each of the filter conditions are described in the following sections.
 Filter by Pattern
The Pattern filter allows you to select which types of profile you want to see – Weekly, Yearly, Free-form or Compact. These can be selected by clicking on the drop-list and clicking the checkbox next to the appropriate type:
If the Pattern option is ticked, only the specified profile types will be displayed (unless the OR condition is set). At least one of the pattern options in the drop-list must be ticked – it is not possible to untick all items.
Note that Compact Profiles are only supported where Modulating profiles are used.
Filter by Data Source
The Data Source filter allows you to limit the display of profiles to those with a specific data source – Generic, PRM or Title24. These can be selected by clicking on the drop-list and clicking the checkbox next to the appropriate type:
If the Data Source option is ticked, only profiles with the specified data source(s) will be displayed (unless the associated OR condition is set). At least one of the data source options in the drop-list must be ticked – it is not possible to untick all items.
Note that NCM is not supported – these profiles are not intended to be used outside of the VE-Compliance module, as they can be automatically assigned and removed by changing NCM building type and/or activity.
Filter by Category
The Category filter allows you to limit the display of profiles to those with a specific category – Heating, Cooling, Plant, Equipment, and so on. These can be selected by clicking on the drop-list and clicking the checkbox next to the appropriate type:
If the Category option is ticked, only profiles with at least one of the specified categories will be displayed (unless the associated OR condition is set). At least one of the category options in the drop-list must be ticked – it is not possible to untick all items.
Note that a profile only needs to match against one of the categories that are ticked (rather than all ticked categories) in order to pass this filter condition.
Filter by Name
The Name filter allows you to limit the display of profiles using a basic text filter on their name. You can specify both the text and its position within the name:
If the Name option is ticked, only profiles whose name passes the specified condition and text will be displayed (unless it has been combined with an OR condition on the preceding filter options). If no text is specified in the text field, the Name filter will not apply.
Note that the text condition is not case-sensitive.
Reset to Defaults
The Filtering Options window includes a Reset To Defaults button at its bottom-left corner:
When clicked, all the filtering conditions will be reset to their default states. Note that this doesn’t automatically apply the defaults – you can still cancel the changes after clicking this button.
Applying the Filtering Options
While the Filtering Options window is displayed, you can apply any changes you have made to the filter conditions by:
-          Clicking the OK button
-          Pressing the RETURN/ENTER key on the keyboard
-          Clicking outside the Filtering Options window (this will automatically close it)
If you wish to close the window without applying any changes you have made, you can:
-          Click the Cancel button
-          Press the ESC key on the keyboard
The effect of the filter conditions will depend on the type of control it is being used with. These types of control are detailed in the following sections.