
What is Profile Filtering

Profiles (also known as Schedules) are used in many places within the Virtual Environment to control various inputs for simulations (e.g. heating and cooling set-points for rooms, dimming control on lighting gains). However, projects can quickly become bloated with large numbers of profiles (particularly when working with the UK Compliance and Title24 functionality) and this can make identifying and using an appropriate profile difficult.
Profile Filtering is a feature that allows you to only see profiles relevant to the particular area you are working with. For example, the Heating Setpoint profile interface will only display heating profiles by default, while the Cooling Setpoint profile interface will only display cooling profiles by default. These filters are completely configurable, allowing you to adapt the filters for your own use or to disable them entirely.
Profiles can be filtered by:
-          Category (Heating, Cooling, Plant etc.)
-          Data Source (Generic, NCM, PRM, Title24)
-          Pattern (Weekly, Yearly, Free-form, Compact)
-          Name (i.e. basic text filtering)
In addition, an optional profile preview graph is supported to allow you to determine the suitability of the profile. This guide provides details on how to use these features.
Where does it fit within the Virtual Environment?
Profile Filtering is available throughout the Virtual Environment, including:
-          Building Template Manager (including Tabular BTM)
-          Apache (Room Query, Tabular Space Data, Edit Group Attributes)
-          VE-Compliance (Room Query, Tabular Space Data, Edit Group Attributes)
-          ASHRAE 90.1 PRM (Room Query, Tabular Space Data, Edit Group Attributes)
-          New Zealand Compliance (Room Query, Tabular Space Data, Edit Group Attributes)
-          Singapore Compliance (Room Query, Tabular Space Data, Edit Group Attributes)
-          MacroFlo (including Tabular MacroFlo)
-          ApacheHVAC
Depending on your current module licensing, you may not have access to all of these modules. However, there is no additional license required to use Profile Filtering in the above modules.
NOTE: The Title24 module does NOT support the filtering options. This is because it uses a fixed set of profiles and does not support the use of other types.