
Filtering in Drop-lists

The most common method for selecting profiles within the VE is by a drop-list containing the names of the profiles in the project. These profile drop-lists now also feature the filter icon on their right-hand side:
As outlined previously, the content of the drop-list is controlled by the filter options that are set (accessed by clicking on the filter icon). Consider the following simple example:
The effect of these filtering options can be seen in the following comparison:
All Filtering Options Off
Filtering Options Applied
As you can see from the example image on the left, with no filtering the drop-list would contain a large number of profiles (note the scrollbar), many of which are intended for functions other than heating. It also includes a large number of Title24 profiles, which may not be relevant. In contrast, the image on the right shows the drop-list with the filtering options applied – only Generic data-source profiles are displayed (excluding the large amount of Title24 profiles) and of those, only the profiles marked with the Heating category.