

Model Toolbar
This toolbar appears at the top of the view. Most of the buttons have equivalent menu options.
           Save – see File à Save.
           Undo – see Edit à Undo.
           Redo – see Edit à Redo.
           Locks – see Settings à Locks.
           Select - use the mouse to select a space (at model level) or a light fitting (at space level).
           Custom Attributes – see Edit à Selection Set à Custom Attributes.
           Assign Template – see Edit à Selection Set à Assign Template.
           Grid Settings – see Settings à Grid.
           Set Grid Origin – see Edit à Set grid origin.
           Place light fitting – see Edit à Place light fitting.
           Place light fitting array - see Edit à Place light fitting array.
           Move light fittings – see Edit à Move light fittings.
           Copy light fittings – see Edit à Copy light fittings.
           Delete – see Edit à Delete object .
           CostPlan output – see Edit à Output for CostPlan.
           Refresh – see View à Refresh.
           Help – see Help à Help Topics.
View Toolbar
This toolbar appears at the top of the view. All the buttons and controls are the same as in ModelIT. Note that there is no surface level, only model and body level.