
Step2: Import rates from OpenEI database

In this step, users can search and import the tariff data from the OpenEI. Steps are shown below:
a)     User can search and/or filter the OpenEI database based on:
i)     Utility name (user can access the list of Utilities in OpenEI by clicking on "Utility List" available in this dialogue box)
ii)     Longitude and latitude (optional)
iii)     "Sector," users can select residential, commercial, industrial, and lighting. Typically electrical rate schedule for a building should be under the "commercial" sector or "residential" sector.
b)     After making the necessary changes, the user should click on the "search" button to obtain all the rate structure under the user-defined conditions. Figure 4 shows a screenshot of before and after clicking the "search" bar.
c)     Then select one of the rates and click on the "Import" button on the lower right corner. This will import the tariff into the project.
Figure 4: Import rates from OpenEI dialog box