
Space Data

Space Data in the context of Part L2 (2013-2014)
Each room has a set of attributes that describe conditions within it. This data, known as Space Data, provides input to the thermal analysis programs. In the VE Compliance view, Space Data is divided into seven categories:
·       General – Room name and ID, Templates, floor area and volume data
·       Building Regs – room attributes for Building Regulations compliance checks
·       Room Conditions – heating and cooling set points and room thermal modelling settings
·       System – parameters describing the system serving the room
·       Internal Gains – Specification of internal gains to the room
·       Air Exchange – Specification of infiltration, natural ventilation and mechanical ventilation
·       Transpired Solar Collector (not applicable to simulation-based ratings)
For most thermal applications, a single set of Space Data applies to each room. However, for Part L (2013-2014) the picture is complicated by two factors:
1.       Special room conditions are stipulated for UK ratings analyses.
2.       There is a notional building which has room conditions that differ in some respects from those in the actual building.
This section deals with the conditions in the actual building. Here, certain room conditions are taken from data entered by the user (these are often specified by means of a Room Template), and others are dictated by the conditions laid down in the NCM methodology for the particular building type and activity applying to the room (in the main these are taken from an ‘NCM template’).
Each tab of the Space Data dialog must be considered separately to fully understand the way the NCM rules are applied. The basic content of the Space Data tabs, and the procedures for editing it, are described in the VE Compliance and Apache User Guides, as these features are common to all thermal applications and Regulatory Frameworks. The exceptions and special rules applying to Space Data in Part L2 (2013-2014) are described below.
General tab
With one exception, data displayed on this tab is the same in all Thermal Views. The exception is the NCM Template, which is displayed only in VE Compliance.
NCM Template
The template automatically assigned to the room as a function of its ‘activity’ (see Building Regs tab) to specify those aspects of Space Data that are dictated by the NCM methodology for use in L2 (2013-2014) compliance simulations.
Building Regs tab
The content of this tab varies with the Regulatory Framework. The VE Compliance user guide covers those parts common to different frameworks. Here it is covered in its entirety as it appears for L2 (2013-2014).
Include room in Building Regs analysis?
Tick this box to include the room in the building regulations analysis. By switching off rooms using this box you can perform separate analyses on different parts of the model.
Simulations in VE Compliance will include only the rooms that have this box ticked. If an included room is adjacent to an excluded room, or a room in an inactive layer, the adjacency is treated as a ‘reflexive boundary condition’, which means that conditions in the adjacent, non-included, room will be assumed to be the same as in the included room.
Type of room
This setting determines how the room will be treated for Part L2 (2013-2014). The options are as follows:
·       Heated or occupied room – the usual designation, applying to all occupied spaces within the insulated building envelope (whether they are directly served by heating plant or not). Spaces of this type must be assigned an NCM activity, and will be treated as heated for the purpose of the Part L analysis.
·       Unheated roof – assign this type to a ‘cold’ roof space that has insulation at its base (ie at ceiling level). Rooms assigned this type will not be explicitly modelled in the notional building but incorporated in the elements linking the unheated space with adjacent conditioned spaces.
·       Glazing cavity – windows, rooflights & doors connecting heated rooms with this space will be treated as external. This type is included to cover cases where a glazing cavity is treated for modelling purposes as a separate space.
·       Other buffer space – this room type applies to spaces such as car parks, unheated stairwells and other spaces that form a buffer between the conditioned areas of the building and the outside. This type should only be assigned to spaces lying outside the insulated building envelope. Rooms assigned this type will not be explicitly modelled in the notional building but incorporated in the elements linking the unheated space with adjacent conditioned spaces.
·       Internal void or warm roof – this room type applies to ceiling and floor voids, and to ‘warm’ roofs – those with insulation at rafter level. This type should be applied to unheated, unoccupied spaces that lie within the insulated building envelope.
Note: Where a space is subdivided for simulation purposes into separate levels connected by holes there are 3 possible approaches to the assignment of ‘Type of room’:
a.       Combine all the levels into one space.
b.       Assign the upper levels the same type of room and activity as the occupied space at floor level. They will then be heated and ventilated like that space, but will not receive gains because their floor area will be zero.
c.       Assign the upper levels the type ‘Internal void or warm roof’, so that they will be unheated.
A drawback with option c) is that in the notional building air exchange between the levels will not be modelled so there will be unrealistic thermal barriers between them. Options a) and b) are therefore preferred.
External ventilation rate (air changes per hour)
This parameter applies only to rooms of type unheated roof space, unheated buffer space and glazing cavity. It is used for the calculation of effective U-values through the space from adjacent heated spaces using BS EN ISO 13789:1999[7]. These U-values are used in the Part L2 Criterion 2 checks.
NCM building area type
An efficient way to set NCM activities for rooms is to set the activity in the Room Template. The activity will then be automatically set, along with other Room Template attributes, for all rooms to which the template is assigned.
For unheated rooms (those with Type of room set to anything other than Heated room), the NCM activity is undefined and is not displayed.
NCM activity
Each heated or occupied room (defined by the Type of room setting) must be assigned an NCM activity. This defines the standard operation pattern of the room for the purpose of L2 (2013), which is defined by attributes on the various Space Data tabs. The assignment of these Space Data attributes is effected by the NCM template corresponding to the activity.
NCM activities are grouped by NCM building type, which must be specified in a separate field.
It is recommended that the NCM activity is set in the Room Template. This saves work as it means that the activity will be automatically set for all rooms assigned that template. If no activity is specified in the template the room’s NCM activity will revert to the default activity for the model building type.
If the NCM building type or NCM activity is set in the template it may (like other template settings) be overridden in the room by un-ticking the Template check box and selecting an alternative activity from the drop-down list.
For unheated rooms (those with Type of room set to anything other than Heated room), the NCM activity is undefined and is not displayed. In this case a special NCM template called ‘NCM unheated space’ is automatically assigned to the room.
In Part L2 (2013-2014) certain Space Data settings are under your control (via the room template, which may be overridden in individual rooms) and others are set automatically by the NCM template. This is explained in the context of each of the Space Data tabs in the sections which follow. A brief account of the data used to populate the various tabs appears on the tab title bar.
For shell and core building, room is part of core area?
Special rules apply to shell and core buildings, rooms belonging to the shell area being treated differently from those belonging to the core area. This box is used (where applicable) to make this distinction.
High pressure drop air treatment
This setting does not apply to Part L2 (2013-2014)>
NCM lighting data
This button opens the NCM lighting data dialog (described in the following section) to adjust Display Lighting parameters and general lighting photoelectric and occupancy control settings when NCM Simple Lighting Control is specified on the internal gains tab for lighting gains.
Criterion 3
This heading introduces results from the Criterion 3 analysis: the Criterion 3 status (whether the room passes Criterion 3), the solar gain calculated for the room and the solar gain benchmark which, if exceeded, results in a fail against this Criterion.