
Part L2 (2013-2014) ApacheSim Results

This tab on the dialog at the lower edge of the VE Compliance screen allows you to view the results of Part L2 (2013-2104) compliance simulations.
Building Emissions Rate (BER)
The Building Emissions Rate (kgCO2/m2) calculated for the actual building.
Notional Building Emissions Rate
The Building Emissions Rate (kgCO2/m2) calculated for the notional building (Cnotional).
Target Emissions Rate (TER)
The 2013 Target Emission Rate is the 2013 Notional building emission rate.
BPEC (Wales 2014 only)
The BPEC is the primary energy consumption of the actual building. In calculating the BPEC, electrical energy generated by low and zero carbon systems is generally disregarded, however electrical energy generated by combined heat and power or trigeneration schemes (either within the building or on district heating systems) is credited at a primary energy factor equal to the grid average.
TPEC (Wales 2014 only)
The TPEC is the primary energy consumption of the 2014 Notional Building. All electrical demand is assumed to be supplied from the grid, i.e. energy generated by the notional building’s PV system is disregarded.
Did the analysis pass the CO2 emissions rating?
The pass/fail result for Criterion 1. ‘YES’ if BER<TER, ‘NO’ otherwise.
View Compliance Doc
Click on this button to view the Compliance Document generated by BRUKL using inputs from the actual and notional building simulations, together with the data entered in Building & System Data and the results of the Criterion 2 U-value checks and Criterion 3 solar gain checks.
View results in Vista OR VistaPro
A shortcut to the VE Vista view, where simulation results for the actual and notional buildings may be viewed in detail.