
Site Obstructions & Shading


Input Options

Manually Extrude Rooms/Zones
This command has no specific action and simply acts as a prompt giving the user the option of manually extruding zones from scratch. If this is the desired option then the standard ModelIT toolbar should be used to create zones by manually extruding in plan view. When all required zones have been created the Navigator check-box should be ticked confirming that the step has been completed
Import DXF & Manually Extrude
This command opens the ‘Import .dxf’ dialog and allows the user to place a .dxf as a trace layer within the ModelIT workspace. The user can then use the standard ModelIT commands to manually extrude zone geometry using the .dxf as a trace layer.
  Import GBXML (Revit, AchiCAD etc)
This command allows 3D .GBXML geometry to be imported directly from another CAD package such as Revit or ArchiCAD.

Set Selected Zones to Obstructions

All obstruction zones (i.e. non-thermal zones) should be selected before this hyperlink is selected. By subsequently clicking on the Navigator command the following dialog will appear:
Figure 19 - Creating Obstructions Properties Dialog Box
The dialog allows the room type to be changed from “Room” to a suitable type of shading type. There are three types of shading:
·       Adjacent Building
·       Topographical Shade
·       Local Shade
Building Orientation
This option allows the orientation of the building to be set. The arrow points in the direction of north and adjusts when a value is entered on the input line (default position = pointing straight up).
Figure 20 - Site Rotation Angle Dialog Box