
Prototype HVAC Systems (section under construction)

This section describes the pre-define prototype systems, the parameters within them that can be set by the user directly (independent of the dialogs in the System Prototypes & Sizing navigator), and the approach to modifying their configurations and controls without disabling the autosizing functionality.
Figure 6 - 1 : The Prototypes Systems Library facilitates loading any pre-defined or user-defined system.  
ApacheHVAC includes a range of pre-defined systems for which numerous parameters (controller inputs, flow rates, coil sizes, temperature resets, fan sizes, heating and cooling plant equipment capacities, etc.) can be autosized with respect to setpoints, design loads, ventilation rates, operating schemes, and so forth. There also capability for autosizing coils, fans, and heating & cooling equipment in fully custom-built systems. Section 7: System Loads, Ventilation, and Autosizing, describes the auto-sizing process, opportunities for user intervention, and the setting of associated system schedules, operating schemes for unoccupied hours, economizer operation, and other system parameters.