
Main dialog – Project constructions

The main dialog, headed Project constructions, displays tabular edit grids of the constructions in the project, organised in tabs. These tabs are usually filtered to individual categories or classes, but there are also other special tabs with different filters, e.g. the In-project tab lists all constructions in use in the project. By double-clicking on a construction ID you can display its properties and edit them. Options, in the side pane, main menu or context menu, provide further operations on the project constructions such as creating, deleting, copying and pasting.
The main menu also provides access to features such as the system and library databases of constructions and materials, printing options and condensation analysis.
When you first enter the Constructions Database with a new project you will see a list of default constructions, together with any additional constructions that have been brought into the project via templates. The Constructions Database facilities allow you to add to and edit these constructions so that they accurately reflect the thermal properties of the elements in the building.
Figure 1 Constructions database main dialog – Project constructions