

The Constructions Database (formerly called ApCDB) provides facilities for viewing and editing constructions used throughout the VE (e.g. the thermal applications ApacheCalc, ApacheLoads, ApacheSim, Part L/J and other compliance and ratings applications; lighting, cost planning and life cycle applications; etc.).
A construction defines the thermal properties of a building element such as a wall, ceiling or window. It consists of a number of layers of different materials, together with thermal properties of the materials, surface properties and other attributes used in thermal analysis.
There are two main thermal classes of construction, Opaque and Glazed, with different parameter sets. Two extra classes are defined for use in the cost planning and life cycle software – Hard landscaping and Misc. Further classes may be added in future. These classes are further broken down into categories – external walls, partitions, internal windows, roof lights and so on.
The purpose of the Constructions Database is to assemble a set of constructions for use in the project. It provides facilities for creating, viewing, editing and copying constructions, aided by access to central ‘system’ and ‘library’ databases of constructions and materials. It also provides facilities for condensation analysis.
Project constructions created in the Constructions Database may be assigned to building elements, individually or collectively, in the Apache View (and other thermal compliance views).
At the room creation stage, in ModelIT, constructions may also be set using a Construction Template, which assigns a pre-set construction to each category of building element in the new room.
Routes into the Constructions Database are provided from the Apache View (and other thermal compliance views) and the Template Manager. The Template Manager provides a facility for transferring constructions from one project to another.
Accurate construction data is critically important for the integrity of the thermal model. The function of the Constructions Database is to facilitate the process of setting up and checking this data.
Construction attributes in the Constructions Database are displayed in the current Units System (metric or IP). The Units System may be changed using the <VE> menu option Tools >> Preferences >> Units