
Load BIM exchange file

Select this function to load in the file you exported from you BIM package.
This can be gbXML, veXML or IFC file format (refer to file type notes belowFile Type Notes
GBXML – This is Green Building Schema. For more information, please visit: http://www.gbxml.org/
IFC – Industry Foundation Class. For more information, please visit:
VEXML – IES standard of XML schema
). You can also load VE model files in mit format. Select the required file format from the drop down menu on the right. 
Image from the Virtual Environment: File type dropdown option
File Type Notes
GBXML – This is Green Building Schema. For more information, please visit: http://www.gbxml.org/
IFC – Industry Foundation Class. For more information, please visit:
VEXML – IES standard of XML schema