
Set VE shell import preferences

Graphical information imported from external sources to the Virtual Environment is often not to the standard required for running thermal analysis. Part of the process is to close off these volumes imported so that they are fully bound with no air gaps/holes in them and all surfaces to be in the correct orientation. The VE will attempt to fix these issues during import. The ‘Shell Import Preferences’ dialog allows users to configure how geometry is corrected.
This dialog can also be accessed via Tools  Preferences  Shell Import. Or from the ‘Setting’ option in the ‘Quarantine’ dialog.
ABC – approach for import of Space Boundaries
Image from the Virtual Environment: Shell Import Preferences - ABC
These settings are applied when importing a model into the quarantine zone, i.e. these settings have already been applied by the time the quarantine dialog opens and therefore need to be set before importing the BIM file.
 If you have already imported your BIM file into the ‘Quarantine’ dialog and you discover that these settings are not as required, press cancel to leave the ‘Quarantine’ dialog, change the ‘ABC’ settings and reload the file.
The ABC settings
A – Attempt to import the space from the complete shell
Here the VE will use the geometry that is existing within the file being imported. There is an additional option here that can be set to include columns if required.
The option ‘Include space boundaries resulting from columns’ allows for the inclusion of columns from the imported file. It is best practice to leave this option unticked as inclusion of columns can create untidy geometry and extra surfaces in a space that ultimately increase the simulation time (Please refer to section ‘Resolve unwanted triangulated surfaces’ for more information).
B – If A fails, optionally extrude from floor
If the geometry passes through option A but there are still too many mismatched edges, then surface option B will be applied when ticked. The footprint of the space in the imported file will be used to extrude a new piece of geometry.
C – If B not performed or fails, import raw shell
If both option A & B fail then the space is imported as it is found in the imported file, without attempting any correction. It is advised to recreate this geometry within the VE or to go back to the source model and fix the issue.
NB: For ‘Shell import and geometry fixing preferences’ Please refer to section  Step 3 – Stage1: Apply ‘Heal Geometry’