
Licensing and Registering IES Products



If you have successfully installed and configured the software you can proceed to run the <Virtual Environment>
Running the IES <Virtual Environment>
This window displays current license information. From this window we can request license keys, activate license keys if you already have them & obtain system information enabling us to troubleshoot potential problems
Register Software
On pressing the “Request license key” button, a window will be displayed.
The user simply enters their details into the form provided. Once done click Send Request
Once sent we will generate your license key and send it over to you, you will receive an email when your license is ready to be activated
Once your license key has been received you can activate it one of two ways
1. Open VE>>Help>>Activate Software
2. Manually download the license key from the activation email, when you click the link to download the license it will download a keys.txt file, place it in the following location C:\ProgramData\ies\apps\Keys
If you have a network license you should place the keys.txt file in the location you created on your server to store it.