
Identify and create missing spaces

A common issue when importing BIM models to the VE is that some volumes within the building envelope have not been accounted for the original BIM file as discussed in Step 1 ‘Check Volumes’. This tool allows for the detection of such ‘missing spaces’ and the VE will attempt to create a volume for these missing spaces that can be imported to the VE.  Once again, this will be of particular use where a user does not have access to the originating BIM model.
·     Voids identified will in many cases not match the real building geometry by 100% (e.g. For missing spaces facing to the outside: How shall the tool know the exact geometry ßà is it an overhanging roof or not etc. (the Helix building is a good example)
·      Add a few more examples of voids that the tool can detect.
·     Does a user have to import all “voids spaces”? No: There are two options for deselecting rooms:
o     Choose merge wizard for import of the BIM model and unselect geometry for those voids spaces which shall not be imported
o     2-step approach: 1st import all spaces incl. voids spaces and then manually delete excess voids spaces in ModelIT
·     Add: In some cases (e.g. when a genuine void is found that needs fixing in the architect’s model as well, particularly when using an iterative approach), it might be the better solution to correct the model in the originating BIM package (e.g. Autodesk Revit) and then import the updated model again.
·     What does not work, yet: Undo / revert to original conditions (e.g. when changing from internal to external adjacencies during voids detection process). Work around: Close (“cancel”) Quarantine and reload BIM file. (Note: Undo/cancel for voids detection will be added to the BIM backlog but won’t be realised for VE 2018. The following might solve the problem: Don’t rebuild adjacencies until final list of rooms to be imported is available.)