
Data List

Below is a list of all the variables currently available for display.
Each variable has its type displayed beside it as follows.
Important: Any variables that can have multiple values will be combined into one item.  Numeric values will be summated, and discrete values will be shown as ‘Multiple <Item>s’.
General Template
The general template assigned to the room.
Thermal Template
The thermal template assigned to the room.
Room Volume
The calculated volume of the room.
Floor Area
The calculated floor area of the room.
Lettable Area
The percentage of the floor area that is lettable.
Circulation Area
The percentage of the floor area that is classed as circulation.
Included in Building Floor Area?
Whether or not this zone contributes to the building floor area.
Room Conditions
Heating Profile
A modulating profile scheduling the operation of the heating plant.
Heating Setpoint
The temperature set point for heating control.  It can be constant or it can follow an absolute profile.
Cooling Profile
A modulating profile scheduling the operation of the cooling plant.
Cooling Setpoint
The temperature set point for cooling control.  It can be constant or it can follow an absolute profile.
DHW Profile
Specifies the procedure for determining how the room’s DHW demand varies with time.
DHW Consumption*
The maximum rate of hot water consumption.
Aux Energy Profile
The modulating profile specifying the times when auxiliary energy will be incurred.
Solar Reflected Fraction
The fraction of solar radiation entering the room which is assumed to be scattered back out through glazing.
Furniture Mass Factor
An allowance for the thermal inertia of furniture.
Humidity Control Min
The minimum percentage saturation level to be maintained in the room during periods of plant operation, as specified by the Cooling profile.
Humidity Control Max
The maximum percentage saturation level to be maintained in the room during periods of plant operation, as specified by the Cooling profile.
Max Humidification
The maximum level of humidification calculated during a Loads run.
Max Dehumidification
The maximum level of dehumidification calculated during a Loads run.
Max Heating + Humidification
The maximum level of room unit heating plus humidification calculated during a Loads run.
Max Cooling + Dehumidification
The maximum level of room unit cooling plus dehumidification calculated during a Loads run.
* - only rooms with the consumption value entered in the units you have chosen to display will be coloured up.
Apache System
HVAC System
The Apache System serving the room.
Aux Vent System
The Apache System handling auxiliary ventilation air exchanges.
DHW System
The Apache System that handles Domestic Hot Water.
Heating Unit Size
The maximum heating unit demand encountered during loads analysis.
Heating Unit Unlimited Capacity?
Whether or not there is unlimited capacity available from the heating units in the room.
Heating Unit Fixed Capacity
The maximum capacity available from the heating units in the room.
Heating Plant Radiant Fraction
The fraction of the heating plant’s output that is in the form of radiant, rather than convected, heat.
Cooling Unit Size
The maximum cooling unit demand encountered during loads analysis.
Cooling Unit Unlimited Capacity?
Whether or not there is unlimited capacity available from the cooling units in the room.
Cooling Unit Fixed Capacity
The maximum capacity available from the cooling units in the room.
Cooling Plant Radiant Fraction
The fraction of the cooling plant’s output that is in the form of radiant, rather than convected, heat.
System Air Supply Flow Rate
The maximum flow rate of air supplied to the room.
System Air Supply Free Cooling Flow Capacity
The maximum flow rate of external air available for providing free cooling to the room.
System Air Supply Variation Profile
A modulating profile specifying the time variation of the system supply air flow.
Has Mechanical Supply?
Whether or not the room is served by a mechanical ventilation air supply.
Mechanical Supply Specific Fan Power
The specific fan power to be used for the calculation of auxiliary energy associated with room-level ventilation supply.
Has Mechanical Exhaust?
Whether or not the room has mechanical ventilation extract.
Extract Flow Rate
The exhaust extract flow rate.
Mechanical Exhaust Specific Fan Power
The specific fan power to be used for the calculation of auxiliary energy associated with room-level ventilation extract.
Is Remote Extract Fan?
Whether or not the extract fan is outside of the room.
Internal Gains
Lighting Max Sensible Gain
The peak sensible heat gain of the lighting gain.
Lighting Max Power Consumption
The peak rate of energy consumption of the lighting gain.
Lighting Max Illuminance
The illuminance value used to calculate the maximum sensible lighting gain.
Lighting Installed Power Density
The value used to calculate the maximum sensible lighting gain.
Lighting Radiant Fraction
The fraction of the lighting gain’s output that is in the form of radiant, rather than convected, heat.
Lighting Fuel
The type of fuel that the lighting gain uses.
Lighting Variation Profile
The modulating profile specifying the variation of the lighting gain throughout the year.
Lighting Dimming Profile
The modulating profile specifying the dimming variation of the lighting gain throughout the year.
Lighting Diversity Factor
The multiplicative factor applied in simulation runs for the lighting gain.
Lighting Ballast/Driver Fraction
The fraction of the Maximum Power Consumption that will be attributed to the ballast or LED driver of the lighting gain.
People Max Sensible Gain
The peak sensible heat gain of the people gain.
People Max Latent Gain
The peak latent heat gain of the people gain.
People Occupancy
The occupancy density for the specified people gain.
People Variation Profile
The modulating profile specifying the variation of the people gain throughout the year.
People Diversity Factor
The multiplicative factor applied in simulation runs for the people gain.
Computers Max Sensible Gain
The peak sensible heat gain of the computer gain.
Computers Max Power Consumption
The peak rate of energy consumption of the computer gain.
Computers Radiant Fraction
The fraction of the computer gain’s output that is in the form of radiant, rather than convected, heat.
Computers Fuel
The type of fuel that the computer gain uses.
Computers Variation Profile
The modulating profile specifying the variation of the computer gain throughout the year.
Computers Diversity Factor
The multiplicative factor applied in simulation runs for the computer gain.
Machinery Max Sensible Gain
The peak sensible heat gain of the machinery gain.
Machinery Max Latent Gain
The peak latent heat gain of the machinery gain.
Machinery Max Power Consumption
The peak rate of energy consumption of the machinery gain.
Machinery Radiant Fraction
The fraction of the machinery gain’s output that is in the form of radiant, rather than convected, heat.
Machinery Fuel
The type of fuel that the machinery gain uses.
Machinery Variation Profile
The modulating profile specifying the variation of the machinery gain throughout the year.
Machinery Diversity Factor
The multiplicative factor applied in simulation runs for the machinery gain.
Cooking Max Sensible Gain
The peak sensible heat gain of the cooking gain.
Cooking Max Latent Gain
The peak latent heat gain of the cooking gain.
Cooking Max Power Consumption
The peak rate of energy consumption of the cooking gain.
Cooking Radiant Fraction
The fraction of the cooking gain’s output that is in the form of radiant, rather than convected, heat.
Cooking Fuel
The type of fuel that the cooking gain uses.
Cooking Variation Profile
The modulating profile specifying the variation of the cooking gain throughout the year.
Cooking Diversity Factor
The multiplicative factor applied in simulation runs for the cooking gain.
Miscellaneous Max Sensible Gain
The peak sensible heat gain of the miscellaneous gain.
Miscellaneous Max Latent Gain
The peak latent heat gain of the miscellaneous gain.
Miscellaneous Max Power Consumption
The peak rate of energy consumption of the miscellaneous gain.
Miscellaneous Radiant Fraction
The fraction of the miscellaneous gain’s output that is in the form of radiant, rather than convected, heat.
Miscellaneous Fuel
The type of fuel that the miscellaneous gain uses.
Miscellaneous Variation Profile
The modulating profile specifying the variation of the miscellaneous gain throughout the year.
Miscellaneous Diversity Factor
The multiplicative factor applied in simulation runs for the miscellaneous gain.
Air Exchanges
Infiltration Max Flow
The total peak air change rate for all Infiltration air exchanges in the room.
Infiltration Variation Profile
The modulating profile(s) specifying the variation of the air flow throughout the year for all Infiltration air exchanges in the room.
Infiltration Adjacent Condition
The source(s) of air entering the room for all Infiltration air exchanges in the room.
Infiltration Adjacent Room
The adjacent room(s) from which the air is drawn for all Infiltration air exchanges in the room.
Infiltration Temperature Profile
The absolute profile(s) specifying the supply temperature for all Infiltration air exchanges in the room.
Infiltration Temperature Offset
The offset to be added to the external air temperature for all Infiltration air exchanges in the room.
Natural Max Flow
The total peak air change rate for all Natural air exchanges in the room.
Natural Variation Profile
The modulating profile(s) specifying the variation of the air flow throughout the year for all Natural air exchanges in the room.
Natural Adjacent Condition
The source(s) of air entering the room for all Natural air exchanges in the room.
Natural Adjacent Room
The adjacent room(s) from which the air is drawn for all Natural air exchanges in the room.
Natural Temperature Profile
The absolute profile(s) specifying the supply temperature for all Natural air exchanges in the room.
Natural Temperature Offset
The offset to be added to the external air temperature for all Natural air exchanges in the room.
Auxiliary Max Flow
The total peak air change rate for all Auxiliary air exchanges in the room.
Auxiliary Variation Profile
The modulating profile(s) specifying the variation of the air flow throughout the year for all Auxiliary air exchanges in the room.
Auxiliary Adjacent Condition
The source(s) of air entering the room for all Auxiliary air exchanges in the room.
Auxiliary Adjacent Room
The adjacent room(s) from which the air is drawn for all Auxiliary air exchanges in the room.
Auxiliary Temperature Profile
The absolute profile(s) specifying the supply temperature for all Auxiliary air exchanges in the room.
Auxiliary Temperature Offset
The offset to be added to the external air temperature for all Auxiliary air exchanges in the room.
The construction name and id of all constructions in use.
Construction U-value
The U-value as calculated by the user selected method of all constructions in use.
Calculation methods: EN-ISO / CIBSE / ASHRAE.
Construction Net R-value
The total thermal resistance as calculated by the user selected method of all constructions in use.
Calculation methods: EN-ISO / CIBSE / ASHRAE.
Construction Total R-value
The total resistance of all layers of all constructions in use (does not include inside and outside surface resistances).
Construction Outside Surface Emissivity
The emissivity of the outside surface of all constructions in use.
Construction Inside Surface Emissivity
The emissivity of the inside surface of all constructions in use.
Construction Outside Surface Resistance
The thermal resistance between the outside of a surface and its environment for all constructions in use.
Construction Inside Surface Resistance
The thermal resistance between the inside of a surface and its environment for all constructions in use.
Construction Regs Thermal Bridging Coefficient
The heat loss as a multiple of element area for non-repeating thermal bridging used for UK Building Regulations compliance.
Construction Regs Data Source
The (generic or regulatory) data source of all constructions in use.
Opaque Construction
The construction name and id of all opaque constructions in use.
Opaque U-value
The U-value as calculated by the user selected method of all opaque constructions in use.
Calculation methods: EN-ISO / CIBSE / ASHRAE.
Opaque Net R-value
The total thermal resistance as calculated by the user selected method of all opaque constructions in use.
Calculation methods: EN-ISO / CIBSE / ASHRAE.
Opaque Total R-value
The total resistance of all layers of all opaque constructions in use (does not include inside and outside surface resistances).
Opaque Thermal mass Cm
The thermal capacity per unit area and temperature rise of all opaque constructions in use.
Opaque Thermal mass class
The weight category describing the Thermal mass Cm of all opaque constructions in use.
Opaque Is Ground contact floor?
Whether or not the construction is marked as a ground-contact floor.
Opaque Is Ground contact wall?
Whether or not the construction is marked as a ground-contact wall.
Opaque Is Green roof?
Whether or not the construction is marked as a green roof.
Opaque Thickness
The thickness of all opaque constructions in use calculated as the sum of the layer thicknesses.
Opaque Mass
The area density of all opaque constructions in use as calculated from the densities and thicknesses of the construction layers.
Opaque Outside Surface Emissivity
The emissivity of the outside surface of all opaque constructions in use.
Opaque Inside Surface Emissivity
The emissivity of the outside surface of all opaque constructions in use.
Opaque Outside Surface Resistance
The thermal resistance between the outside of a surface and its environment for all opaque constructions in use.
Opaque Inside Surface Resistance
The thermal resistance between the inside of a surface and its environment for all opaque constructions in use.
Opaque Outside Surface Solar Absorptance
The fraction of incident solar radiation absorbed by the outside of a surface for all opaque constructions in use.
Opaque Inside Surface Solar Absorptance
The fraction of incident solar radiation absorbed by the inside of a surface for all opaque constructions in use.
Opaque Outside Surface Visible Light Reflectance
The reflectance of visible light by the outside of a surface for all opaque constructions in use.
Opaque Inside Surface Visible Light Reflectance
The reflectance of visible light by the inside of a surface for all opaque constructions in use.
Opaque Regs Door type
The door type used for UK Building Regulations compliance testing for all door constructions in use.
Opaque Regs Thermal Bridging Coefficient
The heat loss as a multiple of element area for non-repeating thermal bridging used for UK Building Regulations compliance.
Opaque Regs Data Source
The data source of all opaque constructions in use.
Opaque Regs Has Metal Cladding?
Opaque constructions can be identified as metal clad. This is used for thermal bridging in SBEM compliance testing.
Opaque Regs Is Curtain Wall?
Wall constructions can be identified as a curtain walls. This is used for UK Building Regulations compliance testing.
Opaque Regs Retain in Not/Ref Building?
If the construction belongs to the Partition or Floor/ceiling categories this additional parameter must be set for UK Building Regulations compliance testing.
Glazed Construction
The construction name and id of all glazed constructions in use.
Glazed U-value
The U-value as calculated by the user selected method of all glazed constructions in use.
Calculation methods: EN-ISO / CIBSE / ASHRAE.
Glazed Glass U-value
The Glass only U-value as calculated by the user selected method of all glazed constructions in use.
Calculation methods: EN-ISO / CIBSE / ASHRAE.
Glazed Frame U-value
The Frame only U-value as calculated by the user selected method of all glazed constructions in use.
Calculation methods: EN-ISO / CIBSE / ASHRAE.
Glazed Net R-value
The total thermal resistance as calculated by the user selected method of all glazed constructions in use.
Calculation methods: EN-ISO / CIBSE / ASHRAE.
Glazed Total R-value
The total resistance of all layers of all glazed constructions in use (does not include inside and outside surface resistances).
Glazed g-value
The solar transmittance value of all glazed constructions in use.
Glazed Shading Coefficient
The ratio of the instantaneous heat gain at normal incidence transmitted by a particular glass/blind combination to that transmitted by a reference glass.
Glazed Transmittance
The transmittance value of the window for solar radiation at normal incidence for all glazed constructions in use.
Glazed Shading Devices
The local, internal and external shading devices attached to all glazed constructions.
Glazed Is Electrochromic?
Whether or not the glazed construction contains an Electrochromic layer.
Glazed Electrochromic Profile
The modulating profile which determines when the electrochromic glazing is active.
Glazed Frame Percentage
The material percentage of the glazing element taken up by the frame.
Glazed Frame Absorptance
The ratio of the amount of radiation absorbed by a surface to the amount of radiation incident upon it.
Glazed Frame Resistance
The thermal resistance of the frame.
Glazed Frame Outside Surface Area Ratio
The outside surface area ratio of this frame. This is the material percentage of the outside surface taken up by the frame.
Glazed Frame Inside Surface Area Ratio
The inside surface area ratio of this frame. This is the material percentage of the inside surface taken up by the frame.
Glazed Frame Type
The type of frame material used in UK Part L compliance testing.
Glazed Outside Surface Emissivity
The emissivity of the outside surface of all glazed constructions in use.
Glazed Inside Surface Emissivity
The emissivity of the outside surface of all glazed constructions in use.
Glazed Outside Surface Resistance
The thermal resistance between the outside of a surface and its environment for all glazed constructions in use.
Glazed Inside Surface Resistance
The thermal resistance between the inside of a surface and its environment for all glazed constructions in use.
Glazed Regs Type
The window type.
Glazed Regs Surface Area Ratio
The “developed area to projected area” ratio for the window or rooflight.
Glazed Regs Thermal Bridging Coefficient
The heat loss as a multiple of element area for non-repeating thermal bridging used for UK Building Regulations compliance.
Glazed Regs Data Source
The data source of all glazed constructions in use.
Glazed Regs Is Display Window?
Whether or not the window is a display window.
Glazed Regs Use BFRC data values?
Whether or not the window uses values as defined under the conventions of the British Fenestration Rating Council.
Glazed Regs g-value
The solar transmittance value as defined by the BFRC.
Glazed Regs Light Transmittance
The light transmittance value as defined by the BFRC.
Glazed Regs Glazing Type
The glazing type used for dwellings under UK Building Regulations compliance testing.
Glazed Regs Sky Blocked
The degree of shading used for dwellings under UK Building Regulations compliance testing.
Room Group* 2015FP1
The room group the zone is assigned to, based on the grouping scheme.
Layer* 2015FP1
The layer the zone is assigned to.
Surface Adjacent Condition
The boundary condition used by Apache for thermal calculations.
Surface Area
The total surface area (not taking into account any adjacencies or openings).
Surface Tilt
The surface rotation angle, in degrees, from horizontal.
Surface Orientation
The surface rotation angle, in degrees, clockwise from north.
Surface Reflectance
The proportion of light striking the surface which will be reflected off of it.
Opening Area
The total opening area.
* - to view items by their actual assigned colour, use the ‘View > Colour’ menu options in the VE instead.