

Depending on the type of variable you have selected, there are various options for you to choose from to alter what is seen in Model Viewer II.
Display Units
What units to display the variable in.
This may be a selection of units that you can choose from, fixed units, or not applicable (N/A).
Note: Applies to Continuous variables only.
False Colours
Allows you to select what false colour scale to apply to the model.
Infrared Standard
Infrared Cold
Infrared Warm
Infrared Hot
Spectrum Full
Spectrum Part
Spectrum Cold
Spectrum Mid
Spectrum Warm
Spectrum Hot
Mono Brown
Mono Sepia
Mono Blue
There are 13 colour scales in the list to choose from as standard.  You can add to this list by creating your own colour scales.  These should be in bitmap image format (.bmp; 24bit; 512x1px), and added to the <VE>’s Shared Content directory under the ‘Texture/GradientMaps’ folder.
Note: Applies to Continuous variables only.
Gradient Scale
What scale to use when converting the numeric values into the colours applied on the model.
The three options are as follows:
Relative      [min..max]         ( value − minimum ) ÷ ( maximum − minimum )
Absolute    [0..max]              ( value ÷ maximum )
Manual*    [min..max]         ( value − minimum ) ÷ ( maximum − minimum )
If you select Manual scaling, then anything outside the specified range with show up white.
Note: Applies to Continuous variables only.
* - user defined scale
Surface Type
Allows you to filter surface variables by type to reduce the number of items displayed.
The options include: All / Internal / External; Floors, Ceilings/Roofs, Walls.
Opening Type
Allows you to filter opening variables by type to reduce the number of items displayed.
The options include: All / Internal / External; Windows, Doors, Holes.
Exploded View
Allows you to explode the model to view each floor and internal room.
The options include: Inactive / by storey.
Additional controls have been added to manipulate the model .
 Turn exploding floor plans on/off
 Increase vertical gap
 Decrease vertical gap
 Reset exploded vertical gap
Make Windows Opaque
Allows you to make windows solid (i.e. opaque) in case the variable you have selected applies to glazing.
Any variables which apply at opening level will show this option as ‘recommended’.
Enable Room Labels
Allows you to quickly toggle the display of Room Names in the viewer on or off.
It provides direct access to the ‘Toggle Display Options > Room Names’ feature in Model Viewer II.
Shading Colours & Patterns
Allows you to define the order (from top to bottom) in which shading colours and patterns are applied to your variable.
Each item is assigned a new colour from the list, and after every 12 items displayed, the colours start again and the next pattern in the list is used.
Note: Applies to Discrete variables only.
The position and text colour of the legend can be changed if needed.
It can be placed in one of four positions: top left (default), bottom left, top right and bottom right.
Any colour can be chosen for the text; the default is black.