
Component Modeller

What is the Component Modeller?
The Component Modeller is a model building element in the Virtual Environment. It allows the user to create a library of components which can then be placed within the model. Components are geometrical entities and can be used to model things such as desks, chairs, computers, etc. These can then be placed in the model by ModelIT. The Component Modeller uses many of the same drawing and editing tools that are used in ModelIT.
Components can be created by the Component Modeller, imported from a standard library or from another project. IES provide a number of libraries with commonly used components. At present the defined colours (RGB) of the objects within a component are read into Radiance.
Using This Guide
This guide introduces the terminology used to describe the Component Modeller and includes a description of all the features i.e. toolbars, pull-down menu items and pop-up windows.
This document is intended as a Reference Manual and users may find the Component Modeller Tutorial Manual an easier introduction to running the software.