
Additional Features

In addition to its core features outlined in previous sections, Tabular Space Data also includes some other smaller features to help you quickly and efficiently modify the rooms in your model. These are briefly outlined in the following section.
Automatic Refresh for the Active Building
The pre-supplied tab groups have been updated to use active columns. This means that the data displayed for the variables will be taken from whichever building model is currently active – the data grid will automatically update whenever the active building changes. In addition, where separate room selection is maintained between different building models (e.g. between Actual and Notional in VE-Compliance) the grid will automatically update to show the currently selected rooms in the active building.
When an active column is displayed, the column header will automatically include the name of the building model that it is currently representing (e.g. (Real) in Apache, (Actual) or (Notional) in VE-Compliance). In conjunction with the information bar (see the Information Bar section), this will allow you to quickly identify that you are modifying data for the rooms in the building that is currently displayed.
The following example shows a subset of 3 rooms in a model, displayed in the VE-Compliance module. All 3 rooms were selected in the Actual building prior to switching to the Notional building where a single room was selected (shown below):
As you can see, the data grid columns have updated to reflect that they are displaying Notional building data (note the NB-specific non-editable systems that are assigned).
On switching back to the Actual building, the Tabular Space Data grid will automatically refresh its columns and information bar to reflect that the actual building is now active, and it will also update to show the three selected rooms again:
The data grid now shows the assigned data for the Actual Building (note the system values and the editability of the Heating Plant Radiant Fraction values) and the information bar has updated. This happened without any need to directly modify the active tab group in Tabular Space Data.
Assign Marked Rooms to a Room Group
The sorting and filtering features of Tabular Space Data can enable you to quickly identify rooms in the model that have common attributes, values within a particular range and so on. Combined with the ability to mark multiple rooms (see the Applying Changes to Multiple Rooms section), you can then quickly assign marked rooms in any existing room grouping scheme direct from the Tabular Space Data window.
Simply mark the rooms you wish to assign to a grouping scheme, and then select either:
Assign Marked Rooms to Room Group… from the Tabular Space Data Actions menu.
Assign marked rooms to a group… from the side panel.
This will then display the standard Assign Room Group window, allowing you select a grouping scheme and corresponding group to add the marked rooms to:
Deselect Unmarked Rooms
The Tabular Space Data grid displays data for all selected rooms (excluding those that do not pass any defined data filters), but there may be situations where you want to identify a subset of the selected rooms then deselect those that aren’t in that subset.
This is easy to achieve – simply mark the rooms you wish to remain selected (i.e. those you want to continue to view in the data grid) and then select either:
Deselect Unmarked Rooms from the Tabular Space Data Actions menu.
Deselect unmarked rooms from the side panel.
Query an Individual Room with Multiple Rooms Selected
As detailed previously, the Tabular Space Data grid displays data for all selected rooms. Typically, you will use it to view the attributes for multiple rooms simultaneously – however, this would typically prevent you from accessing the standard Query Room functionality for an individual room. This could be problematic for situations that cannot be addressed using Tabular Space Data, such as adding or removing internal gains and air exchanges to a room.
In order to work around this, you can access the Query Room window for any single room in the data grid by right-clicking on the room and selecting the Query Room “<Room Name>”… item from the pop-up menu. This will then display the normal Query Room window, allowing you to edit the room attributes via the traditional method.
The grid will be refreshed to reflect any changes when the Query Room window is closed.
IMPORTANT: Be aware that the Query Room functionality will be invoked for the currently active building model, even if you right-click on a column for a different model variant. For example, if selected in <VE Compliance> by right-clicking on a Notional Building column in the grid while the Actual Building is currently selected, the Query Room window will display the Space Data for the Actual Building.