
Appendix A. Known Limitations


A.1 VE-Compliance Support

Virtual Environment 2014 has full editing support for variables in VE-Compliance, including the NCM Lighting Data variables. The only exception to this is the Transpired Solar Collectors section of Space Data for SBEM – this is not currently supported via Tabular Space Data. You should continue to use the existing Query Room functionality to view and manipulate these settings.
In addition, any Actual, Notional and Reference building columns in the active tab will not display data outwith the VE-Compliance module – this is due to differences in the inner volume methodology between VE-Compliance and other modules, which can result in differing floor areas for rooms (thus having a knock-on effect on other derived values).
As a result of this, you will only be able to export NCM-specific data (either to file or to the clipboard for external editing) when you have the VE-Compliance module active.

A.2 Internal Gains & Air Exchanges

Tabular Space Data supports a maximum of 10 internal gains and 10 air exchanges per room. In the unlikely event that a room uses more gains or air exchanges than this, you must use the existing Query Room functionality to view and manipulate the gains.
In addition, Tabular Space Data provides no means of adding or removing gains and air exchanges from a room – if you require this, you must add or remove from either the thermal template assigned to the room or use the Query Room functionality.
Both gains and air exchanges are treated by Tabular Space Data in the order they appear within the Query Room window. This means that there may be discrepancies between the types of gain between rooms assigned different thermal templates, as in the following example:
The first three rooms in the grid all have a people gain as their first gain, but the last (a lift) has a fluorescent lighting gain as its first gain. For this reason, care must be taken to ensure that modifications applied across multiple gains are correctly applicable as you expect.

A.3 Cannot Delete Tabs & Tab Groups

Although this version of Tabular Space Data allows you to create your own custom tabs and tab groups, there is currently no way of deleting them (you can only remove a tab from being included in a tab group). This limitation will be removed in a future release of the software, providing support from within the application for removing either your own custom tabs and groups, or those provided by default with the Virtual Environment.
In addition, if you have made modifications to the built-in tabs and/or tab groups, there is currently no method for you to reset these back to their default states. Again, this will be addressed in a future version of the software by allowing you to restore the tab and tab group settings to their defaults.

A.4 Column Locking

In VE2014 Feature Pack 2 or later, Tabular Space Data allows one or more columns to be locked to the left of the grid, meaning they will remain visible even if the grid is horizontally scrolled. However, if any columns are locked it is not possible to manually reorder columns in the grid by dragging the headers. In this situation, you must use the Configure Columns And Tabs window to re-order the items (see section 3.4 ).