
4.10.2 Proposed Model

This is a required step in the Navigator and is linked to the HVAC system of the Proposed model. User must select Title 24 compliant HVAC system(s), through “HVAC System Design Wizard,” by clicking on the “Create new HVAC System(s) for Proposed model” in the Navigator. Alternatively, if the design HVAC system is a Title 24 compliant HVAC system, then the user has an option to copy the Design HVAC system as a proposed HVAC system, this can be done through the “[Alternative] Copy Design HVAC file to represent the proposed HVAC system (applies to compliant Title 24 HVAC systems only)” step in Navigator.
Furthermore, the user can edit/customize the imported proposed HVAC system through “Edit existing HVAC file for Proposed model” in the Navigator.
Note that these models will have Title 24 defined constraints. If a non-title 24 system is selected, the software gives an error message.