Index Create New HVAC System(s) for Proposed model

This step in the Navigator will open the HVAC System Design Wizard again, but this time it will be in Title 24 mode.
In the first step of the Navigator, the name of the HVAC file will not be user-editable, and have a default name “Proposed.” Furthermore, the “Compliance Mode will be set to “Title 24 (2019)” by default.
HVAC System Design Wizard Step 1 of 3 for Proposed mode
Step 2, “Proposed - Airside System Selection,” and Step 3, “Proposed – Waterside and Plan Equipment Selection” of the wizard is identical to Step 2 and Step 3 of HVAC wizard covered in the “Design Model” (Section
As before step 4 allows for HVAC room and system sizing but in this case, it also allows the user to access Title 24 specific properties for the compliant HVAC systems
Title 24 HVAC Properties
Make sure that a Title 24 compliant system is selected in step 2 of Navigator. Note that the wizard will give an error message if a Title 24 non-compliant system(s) is selected in Step 2. The figure below shows an example of a warning message when a Title 24 non-compliant system is selected and the compliance report will be watermarked.
Title 24 non-compliant warning message
After clicking “OK” on the fourth step of the wizard, the Navigator will create the proposed HVAC system and apply the Title 24 ruleset. Once created a message will pop up and provide a link to a log file which shows which Title 24 proposed HVAC rules have been applied to the model.
Note that these rules are checked again at both system loads sizing and simulation time to ensure that any user editing has not broken the rules.