
4.10 Mechanical / HVAC

In this step of the navigator, the user can create/edit an HVAC system for the Design model and Proposed model. The standard/baseline model will be automatically generated by the IESVE based on Title 24 rulesets.
To learn more about modeling HVAC Systems in general, please review the following webinars:
ApacheHVAC Webinars – Airside & Waterside
The primary mechanism to setup the HVAC Systems is by way of the HVAC System Design Wizard which can be reviewed in the following video.
Video – HVAC System Design Wizard
Description of different types of HVAC systems:
·        Design HVAC System. This is an optional step. The user can create the actual design HVAC system being implemented in the building. The user can select a Title 24 compliant system (like VAV system, Air-source VRF system) or a non-compliant (like UFAD, Water-source VRF). 
·        Proposed HVAC System. This is a required step. The user can select a Title 24 complaint system that best represents the actual HVAC model of the building. The HVAC system will be partially locked, i.e., the user can edit a certain section of the proposed system like efficiency curves, schedules, etc
·        Standard HVAC Model. The standard model is automatically generated based on Title 24 rulesets and is completely locked. The user can view the model but cannot edit it.
The Design HVAC system and Proposed HVAC system have been described in detail below.