
3.3. Compact, Free-form and Scripted Profiles

·        Compact Profiles are modulating profiles, but they can be defined more simply and quickly than creating individual daily, weekly and annual profiles. The variation throughout the hours of the day, the days of the week and the months of the year is defined in a single dialogue box. However, for compact profiles, the value of the modulating profile can only be 0 (inactive) or 1 (active), and not any value in between.
·        Free-form profiles are a set of values specified at given points in time and defined over periods of up to one year. Values are linearly interpolated between the specified points. These profiles are typically used to allow measured time series data to drive variables in Apache. These profiles can be created via fine-grained data held in spreadsheets.
·        Scripted Profiles are advanced profiles created using Python scripts and are recommended for advanced users only.