
3.2. Daily, Weekly and Annual Profiles

Daily, weekly and annual profiles are created and edited via the drop-down menu in the Project Profiles dialogue:
·        Daily profiles cover a period of one day. Daily profiles are used as building blocks to create time variation patterns over longer periods.
·        Weekly profiles cover a period of one week, and are built up from seven daily profiles, plus a special holiday daily profile. When used directly, this weekly pattern is assumed to continue throughout the year. However, a weekly profile may also be used in an annual profile for further refinement of the schedule. In the Weekly Profiles dialogue there are four additional daily profiles which can be used for defining room/system plant operation times for CIBSE or ASHRAE heating/cooling load calculations.
·        Annual profiles are sets of weekly profiles, each one starting and ending on defined dates in the year, and together defining the variation over a whole year. A common use for annual profiles is to allow different set-points to be specified for summer and winter; a more complex use may be for specifying different lighting schedules at different times of year.
When the term profile is used outside the context of ApPro it always refers to a weekly profile or an annual profile. In this context a profile always represents a pattern of time variation covering the entire year (as mentioned above, a weekly profile is assumed to continue throughout the year).