Within each profile pattern, a list of project profiles is displayed, with the following summary information:
·Name: The profile name, which can be edited.
·ID: A unique identifier assigned to the profile when it is created, which cannot be edited.
·Type: displays either (abs) or (mod) for absolute and modulating profiles respectively
·Category: displays which category or categories have been assigned to each profile, such as heating, cooling etc. These can be used to filter profiles when applying them elsewhere in the VE.
·Data Source: displays the source for the profile, whether a general profile (Generic) or sourced from a library of profiles (such as NCM or PRM),
·Delete Prevented?: Lists reasons preventing the deletion of the profile. If it is referenced by other profiles or by the building model, or required for compliance, deletion will be prevented.
To edit a profile, double-click its entry on the list. Alternatively click once on the profile and then on the Edit button.