
3.1. Outline

The main ApPro window, headed ApPro Profiles Database displays lists of the profiles in the project in a dialogue headed Project Profiles.  The profiles are organised in three main patterns: Daily, Weekly and Annual. Three additional types of profiles can also be created: compact profiles, free-form profiles and scripted profiles. By double-clicking on a profile, you can display its properties and edit them. Buttons on the Project Profiles dialogue provide further operations on the profiles such as creating, editing, deleting and copying.
The menus and toolbar at the top of the interface provide access to features such as the system profiles databases, printing options and search facilities.
When you first start ApPro in a new project you will see a list of default profiles, together with any additional profiles that have been brought into the project via templates. The ApPro facilities allow you to add to and edit these profiles so that they describe the time variation patterns required to describe events and activities in the building.